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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Awwwwww no MIKA take care of yourself! God bless him. xxx tfs
  2. Heyyyy guys I'm backkk again How are you ? xx
  3. Just before i go. Here is a present. I dont know if you already have it It's off the sugar mag :] http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/136/biiiigqx6.png xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. Awwww okkayyy Bye monshi!!! I gotta go too.. Loveyouall xxxxxxxx *hugs and kisses* Take care. && BE YOURSELF and STICK up for you self :] xxxx
  5. Yupp. Sometimes i feel as if i'm the only pakistani who ADORES mika. Wait. I think i might just be lool I talk to a few pakistani friends and people only like 2 people kno him lool. Sooo go me xxxxx
  6. Yupp. Sometimes i feel as if i'm the only pakistani who ADORES mika. Wait. I think i might just be lool I talk to a few pakistani friends and people only like 2 people kno him lool. Sooo go me xxxxx
  7. I loved what you just said. One day it'll be over. I was bullied, for being pakistani. You heard the news..[ terrorists ] I had a indian friend, her cousins used to hate me. I mean we were both indian shared the same views listened to indian music everything. But they just didnt like me. I was 7 when they once walked into jasmines [ my best m8z room ] When she wasnt there and cornered me and picked on me. Damn it was hell. I cried so much. I couldnt even tell her. There have been many other inncidents. But i keep telling myself, one day it'll be over...and it's gradually slowing down and i'm starting to speak up and i've got more confidence [ coz of mika ] to get up there and show them. Today this morning. This chav boy comes up and asked me whether i was going to the rugby club [ this disco thing where girls pull guys they drink take drugs not really my scene ] So i said no..he goes why? and i said it's ****! and he goes have you eva been and i said no and he goes what the hell? how can you call it ****? and i said well too be honest it's not really my scene. So neway he walked away and pulled a face..then he pushed my chair and i nearly fell. I screamed at my form tutor and i said " SIR TELL THEM TO F*** OFF BEFOREI F***** SLAP THEM ! My teacher shouted at them. He never even shouted at me for swearing. But yes.. as you can see i'm very aggressive and i i knew that if i kept quiet then they would carry on picking on me. this chav boy, has been picking on me for three years now... I'm gradually standing up for myself. Because tbh having so many years of being bullied as really had an effect on me. It has an effect on everyone. I've just become more aggressive lol Soo sorryyyy for blabbin on and on n on! xxxxxxx
  8. Heyyy This is a month old article. Sorry for not scanning it any sooner lol xxxx Sorry for my bad scannin :] xxx
  9. I know that the interview has been posted. But i thought you may want the pic :] Here you go :] xxx http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/136/biiiigqx6.png [ bigger picture xx ]
  10. Heyyy Just popping in to say hello :] Hello * waves * *hugs to all of you* How are you all today? xxx
  11. rofl. Awww i'm glad u all had fun! :] xxxxxx
  12. The grace-kely one sounds ridulculas! I was like wth! lool
  13. Thanks for sharing.. Awww xxxxxx
  14. LOL. I Just checked. Not there But thankyou xxxxxx
  15. Shezzy12


    WOW. Fab pic! loove it! And yess...he has got the best smile :] xx
  16. Listen to this polyphonic ringtone! http://ringtones.aolsvc.co.uk/wlw/popup/flash/popup_prelisten.do?co=GB&la=en&par=999300&jhs=279&contentType=1&doc=13617851 http://ringtones.aolsvc.co.uk/wlw/popup/flash/popup_prelisten.do?co=GB&la=en&par=999300&jhs=279&contentType=1&doc=11786588 they kinda make me laff! xxx
  17. Sorry I dont have any info on me now. But yes..he's in the Q mag again. It's two pages. So sorry if its been posted before :] xxx ------------------------------------------ Not a very good pic Sorry for it being black and white. :] The library dont do colour xx
  18. This may sound like the gayest game ever. LOL. I was thinking of playing a game. What you have to do is pretend to be mika or an interviewer? Soo If i'm the interviewer the next person has to think like mika and answer the question then they type a question for the next person and so on? Do you get me? So First question What's your fave colour? Next person replies with " [ what ever colour they think mika likes ] Then they put a question for the next person You get me? Close this thread if the game is rubbish lol xxx
  19. LOL. yess.. i thought he may be jewish..? Hmmm? Well.. Welcome luvyy xx
  20. ha. Well i would order chippies from the chip shop and we would stay in and watch random movies or just talk Boring yes i know xx
  21. rofl.! I was looking for ages thinking wheres the advert! LOL. found it ! rofl! that is funny
  22. *joins in group hugg* Thankyou xxxxxxxxxxx
  23. *hugs back to everyone* thankyou xxxx
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