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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Crying. Need a hugg. Sometimes. I just hate myself soo much. Specially when you get told that your stupid and terrible and awful and selfish and a b****. By your sisters and mother! :crybaby: ----------------------------- You know...i dont even know half of you. But i know..that we have things in common such as mika. && MIKA fans look after each other right? All the things you said, really made me feel so much better about myself. I just wanted to say Thankyou. *hugs to all of you*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. Yehhh zsina I guess your right. I'm sorry but im just too agressive! lol xx
  3. LOL wayyyy to go droopsy! Yehhh i sooo understand you me-mi-ka! Even my teacher said silly remarks about him!
  4. Topic - What did you have for tea? rofl. xxx
  5. I absolutely hate fake mika fans. They claim to be mika fans when they are clearly not. I recently was talking to this friend and i said i was a mika fan. She then replied with "OMG I LOVE MIKA TOO" I was like " Awww wow really..." [ I knew she wasnt ] I then asked her to name a few mika songs " I only know lollypop" I was shocked, that she hadnt even heard of grace-kelly! totally p***** off. Then a few months ago, when i first fell for mika. I was speaking to this other girl she was like oh i like mika. then recently she started a massive argument with me claiming that she knows he's gay! I mean come on! so much a for a mika fan! Sorry..I hope i havent hurt anyone. Just expressing my views. xxxxxx
  6. Awwwwww.... Well..I love mika..he is my hero Because he gave me the confidence to be myself. He has given all his fans to get up there && to be themselves and that we shouldnt care what people think of us! He has such a good heart and loves being himself. What i really love is that he can go up there wearing really bright clothes without caring what people would say about him! I love the way he is sooo strong about his music. I love the way he gets up there and loses control. I love the way he respects his fans. I love the way he is. That is why he is my hero.
  7. I'm soooopppper dooooper! LOL Listening to love today Soooo what's the subject for today? xxxx
  8. LOL. hahaha! Myn used to be like that! But now im going to see mika wiv joshh! woppppe!! xxxx
  9. heyyy laura *waves back* How are you today? xxx
  10. I think ronaldo is fit! But mika always...no doubt about that xx
  11. Heyy lauren what's that if you dont mind me asking xxx
  12. Oooh I havent read this before! Brillaint interview i loved how he replied to all of the questions Thanksyou xxx
  13. I can see myself in one of the pics! rofl! Thankyou xxxx
  14. Good evening. How are you all today? xxx
  15. Okkay.. Sherry, I'm deeply sorry, about jack. God bless you and take care. xxx Guys I'll be off now. I got effin dt now! Which is soooo Booring.... But hey...I'll hopefully be singing along to love today with my best bud lou! loool! :] See ya laterz Loveyooohall.xxxxxxxxxxxx*hugggzz*
  16. Caz..? Sherry? Who is jack? What happened? I got 5 minutes? Someone tell me!!! please lol xxx
  17. LOL. *hugs* Oooh caz tell me? Whats going on? Quick i only got 20 minutes left. Then i got DT lol xxx
  18. I'm very well thankyou. I just got my SATS result. I'm not very happy with them. But oh well.. I was really disappointed but then i just put my ipod on and put love today to put my mood back up! Sooo yess... How are you? Everything okayy? xxxxxxx
  19. Heyyyyy guys!!! At school in I.T Sooo how are you all? xxx
  20. Awwwww i loved what you put! That's a lovely quote! :] Yehhh....I still get butterflies thinking of the gig! IT was just last week, and i was dreading it! xx
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