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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. LMAO. Purplegrape! I loved what you put! Did you ever go back into that shop again? LOL So we are all either complelty mental or complety normal! LOL xx
  2. hahaha! Ohh i forgot about that.. Hmmm.....lol...We wonder.......?
  3. Awwww I read all your experiences. I almost got hit by a car. When i was walkin to the gig! It was funny and my friend was like SHIREEEN THERES A CAR! lmao I was like whoops! Whenever i think back i feel really really sad! xxxx
  4. hahahaha!!! i soooo do that!! I PUT IT ON SOO LOUD EVERYONE LOOKS! lol xxxx
  6. Awwww okkkayyy caz! Iloveyou Takecare xxxx
  7. LOL. Okkay will do later lol Soooo..umm any suggestions on how to persuade my mother to let me see mika again? xxx
  8. ROFL. I can imagine the secruity guard people who watch the videos Watching the video of you dancing to big girl and then dancing themselves! rofl.
  9. LOL I know.. Specially in tescos when you scan the cd and then it comes on! LOL and everyone stares at you whilst you dance to love today! lmao xxx
  10. I havent tried turnip I guess its the name lol Sounds weird. I adore bubbles. When i went to the gig they blew bubbles everywhere i was like yeyyy! lol I hope yooh lot dont mind me sharing my creations with you :] This is my first ever mika blend Second third fourth My recent one which i love xxxxx
  11. Hey lets talk about turnips and bubbles? xxx
  12. Okayy.. UM... Can any of you do graphics like make blends and avatars? I can xx
  13. LMAO. Change the topic. Topic - LOVE. xxx
  14. Too be honest. I dont think it would be rude. He would defo laugh it off. I can imagine him in an interview Interviwer - So is there anything common about your audience/fans in every gig? MIKA - no they are all different except from the part that at every gig they do seem to pinch my bum? [ laughs ] ^ i can so imafgine that xxx
  15. rofl. I'm only 14! Imagine that tho. If i did. His reaction would be! SHES A BIT YOUNG! LMAO
  16. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *hugs* One day your dream will come true. Like mine did. Dont worry.xxxx
  17. I'm just skiiving school today I had a 12 hour ferry journey so my mum let me. And know im tlakin about mika with you lot. I'm listening to mika. Got my mika autopgraph and just admiring it I got a pic of mika which [ me and my friends] stole from the school library I got the albumn LOL xxx
  18. sOO.. guysss what are we tlaking about? Anyone got a subject? xx
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