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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Oh. I never noticed that. I think your hyper lol x
  2. Awwww yehh... *hugs everyone*
  3. Thankyou thank you xxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. LOL I just did that So its eihter we are all normal or we are all mental LOL x
  5. I'm baccck :] Soo have i missed anything? xxx
  6. Be right back guys!!! xxxx Goona be an hour.. xx
  8. So guys... What should we talk about xxxx
  9. LOL. Read how mental i am http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6359 xx
  10. LOL. dont you just feel like a complete idiot when ya do that tho. LOL Mind you...it was kinda poss it cud be him...coz it was france and that day he did a gig or something LOL. xxxx
  11. It was gooood. Specially the part when you drive round for hours and i get to listen to mika on my ipod for 4 hours none stop! That was fun! I sat there on the coach staring at the wonderful surroundings and listening to big girl! It was a sad trip coz we went to learn about ww1. But apart from that yessss thankss it was brill...xxxx Ohh and guess what.... I went on the ferry to france and then from france i drove to belgium. So when i was coming back to uk. When i was in the ferry i saw a mika lookalike. This person had the hair The clothes The braces The height The figure I was sooo sea-sick and i walked round the ferry nad found this person at the cash machine i cud only see the back.. I was like OH GOODNESS! PLEASE DONT BE MIKA! LOL So i walked up slowly... Looked and it was a women thankgoodness! The hair YES SHE HAD THE SAME HAIR, The clothes - Red cardigan on. lol The braces - It was a handbag lol The height - She was really tall The figure - Mikaish figure! LOL i was like "Thankgoodness.." But i was freeked out about the fact how mikaish she looked from the back. Plus she was around in her 40s lmao. I then told my friend even she sais she thought it may be mika lol.xxxx
  12. Is it normal to go into nearly every music shop. and to look round for the mika cd for hours. and after you found it you stare and smile and say "I got that!" I do that. I went belgium/france with school and i did it there to. I walked into a music shop, found mika and smiled YEY THEY GTO MIKA IN BELGIUM AND FRANCE. LOL. Does everyone do that? Or am i just completly mental? xxx
  13. Helloooo friends.. Sorry for not coming on...for a while.. i went belgium !! :] So now im back!!! How are you all? xxxxxxxxxx
  14. LOL. awwww... Thankyou.xxxxxxx
  15. Wow your sooo lucky xxx Good luck I do hope you have a great time. xxxx
  16. lol.yehh I can just imagine in a few years time. NEWS " THOSANDS SUFFER FROM MIKA DEPRESSION" rofl. Awww im glad its not just me.xxx
  17. lol thanks caz&&sou.xx Lets just hope he really does like mika and that too for a long time. xx
  18. Heyyy Well... I cried a day after my mika gig. To be honest, It was my first ever gig. I've never been to a gig before specially mika's. I waited and waited for mika to come manchester and finally the chance came. [ november ] So i asked my mother and she refused. I was shocked but i kept on asking her. Weeks went past and i kept asking her. then one day i decided to give up. Because she was clearly not going to let me go. Mainly because she thinks concerts/gigs are dangerous for 14 year old girls And has this fear that i'll get hurt and the gig was in nov which is winter. So i gave up and cried for ages. Because i knew i was never goona see mika because of my over-protective mother. I then got an email saying "mika coming to manchester secret gig" So i registered. And a day after i won! I won! I couldnt belive it! I went with my friend My mother let me. After the gig i met him got an autograph. When i came back home strangely enough my mother was happy for me. But then...a day later i cried. I dont know why... I think the whole experince was such a shock. I mean everyone books ther gigs and then counts the days. Like "30 days till i see mika yeyy " Everyone counts the days. I never got to do that. I got a text the following morning say im going to see mika. I just had one day to get excited. I never got that chance to count the days. However.... Was it normal for me to cry after the gig? Has that happened to you? xxx
  19. Heyy Welll..... LOL I've converted my friend to become a PROUD MIKA FAN. All my friends disliked mika. But they never disrespected him. They told me truthfully that they dont like him. I was okay with it. Because they supported the fact i loved mika very much. so anyway... This is when i did my presnentation on mika in english. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6088 After that. My best friend josh got soooo touched by it. He was soooo amazed. And gradullay fell for mika..... Me and zoey and hannah [ my friends ] We were pretty shocked. hannah " Shireen ummm, i dont think he likes mika..." Zoeyy " me neither i mean you know josh he changes his mind every so often" So anyway..I thought about that. And i agreed. I guess josh was just going thro a phase. But days have gone past and he still likes mika.. Hannah " Shireen he must really like mika!" Seeee...guys i've nealllry converted my best friend. Yipppeeeeeeee And sooon i may be going to another gig with josh! Hopefully... xxxx P.s ' I didnt force him to like mika He just fell for him..randomly xx
  20. Awwww i love the way he speaks chinese! Lovely interview! Yeh i thought he cud speak italian arabic and french and english xxx
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