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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Oooooh india! I'm not from india im from pakistan! Heyy neighbour! xxxxx
  2. Your right. We all go round saying! WE LOVE MIKA SO MUCH WE WOULD GO OUT WITH HIM. I was also thinkin a simillar thing a few days ago. I mean if mika asked you out what would you say? [ UNLIKELY I KNOW.] I would say no! coz it ruins the whole idol thing! But yehh if mika was a close friend then i dont think i would put posters up instead i would support him. :] xxxx
  3. Awwwwww wow! I'm sooooooo happy for you!! Seeee...we told you not to get upset! SEee everything is ifne now!! Congratz xxxxxxxx
  4. Heyyy i loove the idea But i cant draw or knitt! so can i send in a drawing please xxx
  5. Wow thats soo cool! I'll defo buy that DVD. xx
  6. Awwwwww *hugs and kisses* Dont worry about it! I'm sure you will see mika again! Awww poor you and mika!!!! Bless you!!! I do hope you get to see him again. Cheer up please :] xxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. Hello please please Please can you tell me what channel the program will be on? xxxxxxxxxx
  8. Guys! please can you help me! When is the gig gonna be shown on tv? And what channel? Thankyou :] xxxxxx
  9. haahhahaa!!! LOL!!!! Goodness u scared me then! xxxx
  10. lolll here i am!!! :] Hello !!! :] I'd just like to say... All you people who i met yesterday!! Thankyou You were sooo friendly! :] I had a great time :] xxxxxxxxxx
  11. IT WAS AMAZING I SPOKE TO HIM I TOUCHED HIM I DANCED I SANG I GOT AN AUTOGRPH! IT WAS AMAZING!!! LOL Well we got to the private gig! Adn then i we gave the tickets etc then.... WE met up with mikafanclub memberS! Awww they were eva sooo sweet!!! LOL It was amazing! My first ever ever gig!! and it was mika and it was amazing!!! Eh was like hwo was the gig i was like AMAZING!!! THANKYOU!! LOL CAN I HAVE APIC PLEASE PLEASE LOL we took a pic but we only got his lips in! We ogt soo annoyed but then we got over it. WE shouldnt regret! TIs over and done with now!! BUT THANKYOU ALLL FRO ALL THE GREAT TIPS AND ADVICE I LOVE YOU!! WITH YOU LOT I WOULDNT OF HAD SUCH A GREAT TIME! LOTSOFLOVE ZXXXXXXXXXXX
  12. LOL awwww blesssss!!!!! neways im off!! Take care everyone!! Loveyoucazz! Thanks for ur support!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Godonight!!! Sweet mika dreams!
  13. Dont worryyy! i certernly will try my very best!!!! LOL..Awww you looked amazing I just told my mayte to watch ur myspace entry She watched it and said "WOW THAT WAS AMAZING" Soooo.....LOL... i cant wait! lol xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. Awwww i dont know how you feel. But i kinda doo. LOL Yehh the gigs tomorrow! Short notice and the dress code is fancy dress i was like WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR! loll My freind louise is going as a cow boy and she was like Ill get a rope and then whip him off the stage for you! loool Shes soo supportive! We both cant wait! lol I want a autograph soo bad! Where do we go to get autographs you got any tips on what we gotta do? xxxxxxxxxx
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