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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Heyyy caz! Yehhh mine are over too.. Well i think i tried my best! lol We will just have to see now..:] Arrghhh CAZZZZ im soo excited for tomorrow! lol xxxxxxx
  2. I love you two louise!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  3. Thankyou..:] Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou :]
  4. I think it may be this mika Called mika nakishma something like that. He has simillar hair to mika ???
  5. Lol listening.... Intro is v loong. OOooh thats quite nice!
  6. Omg Thankyou Soooo Much! For Ur Replies! Xxxx
  7. I hope you lot dont mind me sharing this with you. :] In english lesson we had to do a presentation. On our own about anything we like. It had to be something infomative. So anyway my teacher gave us a few dyas and i couldnt think of anything to do so my teacher told me to do global warming. My friends were annoyed with me and told me to do mika. I was like ummm im not sure i dont want poeple to laff at me < --- i knw! ihow bad! Anyhow.. Yesterday i came back on this forum after a few weeks and then i decided to do the presentaion on mika I thought to myself. " Who cares? what people think of mika i love him thats what counts" So anyway today in english I did my presentation some slut infront goes " whos mika? " and someone else goes "LET HER DO THE PRESENTATION THEN YOU WILL KNOW" lol soo here i go Im stood there infront of the whole class with a piece of paper just with notes And i start I told them where he was born His school How he inspired me to do art and to be confidence in myself. I was shaking whilst i was sayin this I said " He has givien all his fans soo much confidence to go up there and to be yourself and not to let other people judge you by your looks ". I also said. " You listen to grace-kelly...the words are dark but the insturments and music is very happy..mika uses this contrast to make his music mroe interesting." After i had finished My teacher was impressed. My friends were impressed. I had never felt sooo happy in my entire life. Everybdoy was stunned and they were like shireen u were soo confident! LOL I was like confident look im shaking.! lol I remmebr being in german before my presntation And i was dreading it and my friedn said to me! "think what would mika do? Swallow you fear and be yourself" That made me smile. I loved what she had said. And now..I'm soo happy that ive done it. Plus...todayy when i was coming home from school i got a text saying i won mika gig tickets! I'm soo happy! i cant stop smiling... Sorrry for boring you! LOL i hope you read it! Shireen xxxxxx
  8. Danika ur in the video!? LOL which one are you!!!! XXXXX
  9. Thaankyou!!!! There lovely! xxxxx
  10. looool okay curly! thanks Good luck! xxxxx
  11. I'm a patient! lol I'm suffering from umm....mika obbsession
  12. Oh i got a email last inght from mika newsletter and u just sign up And look now! i won! lol im soo happy
  13. I'm fine thanks.. soo ne gossip? :] xxxxxxxxxxx
  14. Heyyy LOL I think i am But yess I'm going..to a secret one in manchesta I gopt a text and they said i can go but there not telling me the venue till tomorrow lol Coz its a secret But guys tell me? What to do? Any tips? How to get his autogrph if there is any chance? Please tell me. It's my first ever gig? Thanksyou.xxxxxx
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