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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Helllo friends! how are you all today? xxxxxx
  2. Heyyy Lovely thread. Welcome to MFC! Loveyou.xxx
  3. I soo do that. It's funy! I'm also very aggressive Soo i know how he feels! xxxx
  4. Please may i be a bond girl Please :]xxx
  5. That was totally my reaction. But he's said sorry. I hope he doesnt do that again. xxxxx
  6. Thats stupid. Thanks for posting! But the rpess are stupid! I mean we have got brains you know! LOL Why would mika let them tke a pic of his fone! LOL xxxx
  7. Awwwww no... Find a ticket for her! and for me too lol xxxx
  8. Heyy im fine. Arrghhh LOL noo its not the big girl ITs just this random one You shud of got a email about now. :] But yehh I soo want to go. I cried terrribly when my mother said no. Arrghhh I hate being 14! It sucks! I want to see mika I had a one AMAZING dream about him a few nights ago. I was like OMG. LOL xxxx
  9. Aww thanks danika and shelby! Loveyou.xxx I know. Well the story is guys, Is that i havent been coming on the forum for a long time [ so sorry ] However. MIKA is coming to manchester in nov [ near where i live] And i spent about 3-4 weeks trying to persuade my MUM to let me go. Shes not lettign me go coz its in the night and its winter and she doesn tlike driving etc Sooo i was sooo upset! I cried! Badly But then i decided that i will convince her somehow i will. LOL Thats why this comp is important coz i need these tickets because its on wed and its obvi summer! lol so she will let me go If you get me xxxxxxxxxx
  10. LoL heyyyy cazz! Havent spoke to you in awhile!! how are you! xxxxxxxxx
  11. Aww thanks danika and shelby! Loveyou.xxx I know. Well the story is guys, Is that i havent been coming on the forum for a long time [ so sorry ] However. MIKA is coming to manchester in nov [ near where i live] And i spent about 3-4 weeks trying to persuade my MUM to let me go. Shes not lettign me go coz its in the night and its winter and she doesn tlike driving etc Sooo i was sooo upset! I cried! Badly But then i decided that i will convince her somehow i will. LOL Thats why this comp is important coz i need these tickets because its on wed and its obvi summer! lol so she will let me go If you get me xxxxxxxxxx
  12. Thanks for posting! Thankyou.xxxx
  13. hello guys! How are you all? can i have a hugg? I'm soo excited and nervous i just got a mail from mika [ newsletter ] Sayin about this gig. and i've put my name down for the comp and its on wed. I hope i win the tickets! Arrghhhh... LOL I'mm sooo happy yet nervous! I need a hugg! xxxxx
  14. Oooh thaknyou.xxxxxxx *hugs and kiss * Soo where about is the sweet dreams video? In the beginnign or the end ? xxxxxx
  15. Join the club. I loveee this video too. xx
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