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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. yehhh josh has lost weight!! he looks good LOL !!!
  2. hahahahaha lol !!! oooohh your really demanding!! LOL It just reminds of this quote of drake and josh.. "When i want someone i go after them" LOL .. sorreeee im soo gay!! LOL
  3. I want to GOO!!! but mother is not letting me!!! I need to do a bit more persuading! This is gay!! LOL i want to goooo!! xxxx
  4. lol...Im too yung!!! haha 9 whole years! LMFAO! xxxx
  5. Get well soon cazzz!!! Loveeyou..xxxxxxxxx *hugs&&kisses* xxxxxxxx
  6. Personally. I think he is a peaceful guy lol. xxx
  7. Is MIKA peaceful? lol I mean do ya think he belives in fighitin or peace?
  8. lol.. iLOVEDTHEINTERVIEw!!! haha i loved the ending and when he was speakin cantonese!! lol ilovemikaxxxx
  9. Awww..this forum ROCKS!lol thanks for the pic.xxxx
  10. lol awww the exams!! I hate EXAMS!! lol Poor steph and freddie! haha..i dont think they're not a mika fan nemore. xxx
  11. milk chocolate... red or black ?
  12. lol woop woop laura haha lol Soo who was fighting? Are you two stil fightin chav style? lol xxxx
  13. Well they arent real people that's for sure...[ actually we dont know that.. mika cud of based them on something ] But they are imaginary...xxxx
  14. Aww wow congrats.. No sorry i dont know..xxxx
  15. LOL. Are we all acting like chavs? lol i dont understand lol
  16. backkk LOL.. you lot still talkin about chavs!! lol hehe I tried to convicne my mum..but she aint lettin me go to the concert! I'm sooo pssd off!!! Im gonna try agen..xxx
  17. Awwww lol cazz!!! Im gonna go and begg my mum now.. Gotta goo..ill be back soon.. Loveyouall.xxxx byeeee xxxxxxxxx
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