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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. lmfao!!! hahahahhaha i ave a friend.. She has a bf who is like 20 odd yrs old n she is 14 there both chavs.. I think she became preg wen she was abt 12 or 13... she has hit her mum and dad! She is terrible
  3. LOL. Sadly, i dont watch bb! lol...but yehh that wud be cool xxxx
  4. LOL. You can like fred perry and burberry lol.. but these kids are OBSESSED lol. xxxx
  5. Awwww wow!!! That is really a great day!!! Days with ya mum are simply the best!!! I ahev those days with my mum and i loove it!! The other dya she bought me the sunday newspaper coz it had mika in it hehe lol But yehh and now ne minture now..im gonna ask her to let me go to the gig! lol xxxx so how r u caz xxxx
  6. great!! that is a great description! Fred perry!! ohh so much!! All the chavs have something to do with fred perry! and burberry It's terrible.
  7. Oh plus.. They're pretty bad LOL meaning that they drink,smoke and take drugs..most of them tho..xxxx My m8 was 13 and she got sent to prison for the night shes a chav :S lol xxxxx
  8. A chav hmmmm Goes on dictionary to look for defintion! "Main Entry: chav Part of Speech: n Definition: the lower class; uneducated and ignorant people Etymology: perh. Romany chav child Usage: derogatory slang " They are like teenagers...who umm like hip-hop and rapp and are loud and ignorant... They mostly wear sporty clothes like tracksuits... Personally - I think they are TERRIBLE and i hate them. xxxx
  9. Awwwwh okayy bye danika [ i just adore your name LOL ] loveyou.xxxxxx
  10. Awww okay byyyyyee lollypopgirlsian!!! takecare..xxxxxx
  11. Do chavs call themselfs chavs? lol xxx
  12. I knowww..join the club lauren!! I cnat stand themm Great thing is that i think MIKA hates them too. xxx
  13. LOL. Yeh i knw shes a chav I was surprised. Coz i sed..whos ya fav singer she went umm let me think.. I was expecting....akon or gwen or something like that and she went wats ur i obvi sed MIKA she went I LOVE MIKA! lol I wa slike ahh okkkay!! ummm soo what songs u got!! She didnt even name grace-kelly! :S lol xxxx
  14. summer nights defoo!! Ummm Drawing or singing? xxx
  15. Ahhh cooool.. I'm talkin to this girll She is like a chav[ If u know what i mean ] She is claiming to love mika.. I dotn know why i dotn belive her.. I asked her which songs he sang she sed lollypop and allsorts!! She doesnt even know all his songs!! :S xxx
  16. Omg.. really.. how long does the concert last. [ mika concert ] xxxx
  17. Yeyy!! go mikkka!! aww wow..so does that mean i might have a chance to get to see him after the concert i go to? xxx
  18. lol.. so danika ur going to meet mika? xxx
  19. hahaha the day before!! phwaorr! LOL.. xxxxxxx
  20. LOL.. Im gonna try but everywhere i go..Im late.. So i really ope im not late for mika!! i better not be!! toherwise ill be sooo disapointed with myself!
  21. Ohh i will defo queue up early!! LOL Ill get there about 6:30 lol
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