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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Awwww heyyy clare!! Missed you too. The sats were good. [ thank goodness ] Yes please. xxxxx
  2. Shezzy12


    Loops..? Neverheard of that Let me go and see.. xxx
  3. Hey, At school we were doing graphics and we had to do logos for a fav artist and i OBVIOUSLY did one for MIKA the program we used wasnt really the best as i am more used to photoshop. But this is what i came up with [ they had to be black and white ] After a few weeks we were told to do a album cover for your artist So i did one for "life in cartoon motion" This is what i did. Please tell me what you think..? xxx Lotsoflove.x
  4. lol No..I am too shy to do that.. Would you, rob a bank with mika? lol Soree v v random and stupid question cudnt think of one. xxx lol
  5. lol danika Caz i just showed my sisters the entry they were like woah! Thats soo good lol I was like yes it is! and it has won and MIKA has seen it! lol They were like woahh shez chill lol
  6. Awww wow thankyou..xx Awww he has to wait till 2009
  7. Danika your right. Dont worry guys. Singers do have to put up with it neways. Grace-kelly has been so successful Like MIKA sed he doesnt mind if some people hate and somepeople love him. that is what he wants I bet in other countries, mika may well be 1st in the singles chart. dya get me?x
  8. LOL. HAHA. LOVEIT. Stupid paparazi Ahh well lol He looks hot Thankyoux
  9. omg. danika Thats soo true! Caz you will be touching MIKA! omg Omg OMG! haha I'm actuially NOT jelus but like DED happy for CAZ! LOL
  10. lol I bet i sounded so stupid! Ahh well brb my friends Just gonna eat some food. loveyouall.x
  11. OMG. THAT PIC AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HE LOOKS SOOO HOT! LMAO Wow.... One thing which confused me. I thought he doesnt like water..? How comes he is TOPLESS and then in a another pic he is wearing a life-jacket? lol
  12. lol caz i just watched ur video twice lol It's great I can imagine MIKA giggling becoz of the reactions people gave [ that was my fav part] lol and the part wen ya chased that girl lmao Loved it all.xx
  13. Thankyou CAZ!!! Mwah...x ITs loading lol...
  14. hahaa yeh big problems and my mother would of killed me lol. Yeh i'm going back a few pages lol.
  15. OMG. SAME. Although my friends are fully supporting me but my family find my "phase" rather funny I dont care. I love MIKA And thats wat counts.
  16. Awww wow thankyou for the info. Too bad i'll be at school! DAMN IT! Thanks neway.. xx
  17. Fav - " love love me" lol
  18. It's his choice. To us he is a singer our heroe. We just want to know about him. [ not his personal life ]
  19. Oh my GOODNESS. Do you know where i can find the pic! Quick its urgent lol Awwww you were remmebering me thats soo sweet. The SATS were okay While i was doing my last writing test This guy around about 19-20 was one of the exam invistagators son or something he was fit haha lol So neway i kinda drifted away thinking MIKA wud come lol Imagine that. Imagine sitting in a room and he walks in and becomes the exam people lol And walks up and down the row lol I'd faint haha. Overall thank goodness it was not MIKA otherwise i would of failed the writng test BADLY lol I think i was okay. lol
  20. Oh goodness, i cant remmember lol I think i heard Grace-kelly a few times since it was catchy etc So neway one day i was on AOL and there was a pic of MIKA. He looks HOT so i clicked on it and realised that he was the singer [ I was looking for the singer so i could download the song ] So i read the article and it was about how MIKA was bullied and how the song reflects on that aswel as him insulting the companies etc. It got me intrested and i read more and more articles i went on his site and then somewhere along the line i found this fanclub somewhere i cant remmebr lol But yeh Overall. This forumn is great and I'm a PROUD MIKA FAN.x
  21. Hello guys. After a few weeks i'm back! MY SATS are OVER!!! Wahooo... && Congo CAZ for becoming a winner. [ if she is there lol ] So how is everyone..? Have i missed any MIKA gossip..? xxx
  22. Yeh, i think in a few days time he will write a blog telling everyone who the winners are.? x
  23. romantic take that or the fray?
  24. cooking dancing or talking lol
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