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Everything posted by natie

  1. Hi,everyone just to let you know that i'm gonna post the videos on youtube the oldest that I have until now!I'll probably posted tomorrow.If you have some that I don't have please post so we can have each one of us our file of Mika ! Thanks Natalie x
  2. I heard or read somewhere,that someone asking him about with who is want to do a duet and he said Beck or Madonna .So if it's true it's a good news! Natalie x
  3. The pictures are so great and he looks so cute and natural ! Lucky you!!! Thank you to put this album is very great! Natalie x
  4. My husband is a illustrator so if we need some help I can ask him! Natalie x
  5. Count me in!I think a t-shirt with a card from each of us is a fabulous idea!!! Natalie x
  6. Maybe 2 pairs of braces with pins on it from each one of us!From all over the world! for the card my husband is a illustrator he can make something special from all of us! Natalie x
  7. Thank you for sharing yours storys ! Beautiful pictures and videos! I love it !!! Lucky you ,you had a great time!!! Thanks Natalie x
  8. Thanks! I did't know!!! Natalie x
  9. You are absolutely right! Natalie x
  10. hi,I just post today about this I have videos from youtube and daily motion (concerts and interviews)date by date from november to now .I finished today the month of february and I'm in the middle of the month of March! I was doing it just for fun and I realise that would be fun to share with you guys!!!Maybe we can do it together ,I don't know how but we can come up with something! Natalie x
  11. In this video he said that he wants to do one day an interview completely drunk!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Naa3wOi17g Natalie x
  12. Another one! Pants are falling!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOGl61UdFG4 Natalie x
  13. I am doing a list with all the videos on youtube and daily motion (interviews ,shows)of Mika date by date.The oldest one(november 06 to now) I'm not finish yet but I have January and February finished. So I was thinking If you are interesting if I share with you?I can post 2 or 3 gigs per day or something like that!!!! Tell me if you are interested? Thanks Nataliex
  14. I got a another one not with is braces but with is body !!!! Enjoy! Natalie
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWRDYyWPEIA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JozWkCxKSM Enjoy! Natalie x:mf_lustslow: This one is teasing with is body!!!!
  16. When he talks about my space he said that someone propose to him and what he is saying after that I don't understand?(my english is not to good) Thank you! Natalie x
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgtbVWsOeOU I just saw this video and I like it! so I want to share! Enjoy! Natalie x
  18. And the lady told me that they are gonna have tickets for one day! realeasing soon! Natalie x
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Naa3wOi17g It's the first time I saw this interview!love it!!! Enjoy! Natalie
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