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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. that was wonderful carri! yes - dinner is about ready for the oven.... (on the laptop now... closer to the kitchen! )
  2. i am back - but have to get dinner started.... so will be back in a bit - and should expect to have all of carri's story to read when i get back then?
  3. back in a sec! (being hailed for homework assistance.... )
  4. oooh! sick baby girl then wendi? sorry to hear that! hope she gets to feeling better soon!
  5. i just think he is finding a bit of time to be more expressive... he was always the one to correspond via myspace... (and i have always thought he was a sweetheart...) the overwhelming response from his growing fanbase (his and mika's) must have made him realize that he might be able to do some experimenting with us.... or maybe it was his new years resolution???
  6. hey pooh! i know! and carri and saralou were there.... any personal reports girls????
  7. i hadn't seen that one - i don't think anyway.... btw - i am totally in love with luke's new song - "once too much" - i have it on my myspace page!
  8. i love it.... (it would be my screensaver - in any other world! )
  9. i copied it straight from the original post - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12313 and then clicked on quote to copy the code!
  10. yes yes! and that one has happikali written all over it as well! i am so bad - but he looks so good!
  11. this is the picture i meant to post..... (crosses fingers it's the right one...)
  12. ok - and is it just me - or did everyone else's heart kinda skip a beat when you look at his eyes in this picture?? wrong picture = hold on
  13. this must be pertaining to your text with robi today? mummies from the museum???
  14. good - good! i will order it then and send it out regular shipping to you... we can figure out the money exchange later then!
  15. robi! i know i know! i wish i could go - but things just didn't work out/go my way this time... suppose i could have gone anyway - but probably would have put a real strain on the already stretched out relationship.... *sigh* my heart will be in the right place... even if my body won't be!
  16. wendi! how i have missed you! and i am so sorry for not being able to order the stuff for you... i left 3 messages and the lady/whoever never called me back! by the time i thought about just ordering it myself and getting it out to you - by tomorrow, i think it would have cost twice to three times more in shipping than the items themselves! please don't spank me!
  17. oooh! lovely making plans for your gig in february! lucky girls!
  18. and now charlie - i am wondering just who your beverly hills doc is....
  19. good to hear clare! we had freezing rain last night - so woke up to accidents everywhere... and the kids' school buses were 20 minutes late too so i actually waited until the sun came out and started melting all the ice on the roads before i went to do some work... (my job actually involves a lot of driving) there were 2 accidents right near my son's school - which is only about half a mile from our house!
  20. ok - so i scanned around the other threads a bit for the last couple of minutes... and i have to ask... is it just me (not being on here very much the last couple of weeks) or are there just tons of new threads? i think i must be getting old.....
  21. long crazy morning today... to go with my long crazy weekend! just subscribing to the new thread! hope you are all doing well!
  22. good morning! just popping in to say hello! have been very busy this last week! training a new employee.... and then just beat down and tired after all the regular housedrudgely things have been taken care of! off to another busy day! one more store to work today and then off to the commissary for groceries the fabric store for some zippers and then creating some cute little doll sleeping bags for dylan and her friend -dylan has a sleepover birthday party tomorrow after school... need i say more? talk to you all soon! s
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