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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. ok... i have to sign off - have been on for a couple of hours... and hubby is home now... son due to walk in the door any minute! it has been wonderful being on the same time as you all - finally!
  2. no - i see her being gentle yet very stern... but sick men are such babies... they would never notice the sarcasm...
  3. :naughty: sorry i am laughing.... maybe it is because you told me not to! or maybe it is because i can so picture/have seen the scenario!
  4. tell me about it.... (but at least the guy that did the work sat on our having to pay for a few months - since we got the air handler only 2 weeks earlier than the heat pump!) but why doesn't he feel the same way when i tell him when you buy 3 you can get the 4th one free?!
  5. another poster! i want to see jack again too! you are going to have so much fun!
  6. and i just wrote a killer check out to the heating guy for our outside unit that we got back in august! and we now are saving to get the air handler moved up into the attic and the ducts all redone by the end of the month!!
  7. honestly, i am not trying to make it any worse- if i was king of the forest.... i would be going! well, the good news is that we have the same cell phone carrier.... so long as we keep our phones good and charged we can be together for hours if we need to without using up any minutes!
  8. please please please don't be sad.... you know that i will be with you in spirit.... everyone please realize that this is somewhat of an anxiety/withdrawal symptom... as deb and i have never seen mika one with out the other!
  9. i know i know deb... but the fact of the matter is that you would litteraly have to kidnap me for me to even get away from here.....
  10. congrats charlie! so was this test for the job you have now work purposes? or is it a "what do you want to do with your life" kinda thingy?
  11. abby! that is an utterly adorable baby picture! (just noticed you are living in the garage now.... )
  12. wendi! i have totally forgotten about ordering the stuff! i don't have paypal... but i have another idea....
  13. ooh! robi! sorry to hear that hubby is sick now too! and yes... we know what sick men are like! (worse than children! )
  14. http://s240.photobucket.com/albums/ff191/Glasgow_07/
  15. well have watched the dvd... up to any other world (watched all the extras and vids first:naughty: ) i can't think of any other word except enthralled.... and recalled deb telling me about finally getting to see the happy ending and big girl vids on the actuall telly (not the computer) when we were watching it at her house before we left for glasgow... (can totally relate now! ) was a wonderful experience! and i spotted sarahlou! of course carri and her kids (didn't realize they took theo's dancing bit out from the original! ) broke down when relax started - just like i have done twice in RL... and started feeling it all over again... so am quite distressed at not being able to see him in philly or nyc in the next couple of weeks... but! i have comforted myself with the thought that i will get to que and maybe even get some live sound via the magic of deb's cell phone....
  16. ok! i am off to watch my dvd... i am a woman on a mission now....
  17. hey deb! am booting son out to the bus this very moment....
  18. sorry to hear theo's not well today... january should officially be coined "sickness month!" have a good cuddle! talk to you soon!
  19. hello dears! just caught up on last nights chat.... sorry to hear about the hamster carri - but i can so totally understand where you are coming from... (have told daughter that if she wants to get a kitten she needs to find a home for her hamster....) the house was beautiful! cannot believe that toronto really seems to be in your sometime soon future! don't get me started about all the junk they put in food today... (it's a conspiracy, i tell you! ) and what else... the androgenous boys/boys wearing make-up.... i was rather in love with robert smith from the cure in high school! any thing else? well, i am going to watch my licm dvd this morning as soon as son is off to school - (yes - he is feeling better today! )
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