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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. of course! add mine too pretty please robi..... i will pm the picture!
  2. will try and think of some names ricki.... meanwhile... i am off for a bit! dylan (my daughter) just got home... besides that i need to go put up the cookies so they aren't all eaten before hubby gets home!
  3. hehehe! love the desktop! wow! i am impressed! and i had to look back at the picture i posted to make sure i actually posted one with the cookies on it!
  4. i am posting a picture of the cookies that i made! btw...that is a normal sized dinner plate they are on!
  5. hey there diana! didn't get to tell you sooner: congrats for being endowed with moderator-ness!
  6. shari - was just checking out your myspace - i don't think i have you on mine! i will have to send you a request when i log on! .
  7. *leaves a plate of cookies out for everyone* (and a bowl of fruits and veggies for those who are denying themselves the sugar!)
  8. hehehe! when my son goes back to school tomorrow.... hopefully feeling better... i have plans to watch my live in cartoon motion dvd... (and please don't shoot me for admitting that i got it for myself for christmas and i still haven't watched it yet )
  9. ok ok! i got sidetracked figuring out what to make for dinner... and had to run to the store to get a couple of things and ended up coming home and making the casserole ahead of time - and some white chocolate macadamia nut cookies as well.... (the first batch is in the oven - although i think i made them too big!)
  10. yes.... i'm pretty sure that is what happened! ok! am logging off on pc - will log on the laptop in a few!
  11. i did not know that you had it for that long! i have been sick since right before christmas... and with all the company and craziness didn't really crash until everyone left and i cleaned my house up after them - woke up feeling horrible the next morning.... and it hit me like a brick new years day! i am so glad that i think the worst of it is over for me....
  12. i read that he was sick too! i can totally empathize with our babies not feeling well... i just hope he isnt sick for as long as i have been!
  13. well i am home - and ready to play a bit - but my son is home from school sick today too! and he is doing some of his homework on the computer - so i will log into the laptop in a little while! after i figure out what i am going to make for dinner tonight.... (btw - making dinner from scratch is kinda one of my new year's resolutions for this year.... i admit i was a slacker last year and i opened way too many boxes and cans.... )
  14. ooooh! martine! that is a precious baby picture of you! and yes freddie - we def want to see a sweet picture of you when you were a baby! i love this idea! (and it will be funny to see how we have dated ourselves when the majority of everyone's baby pictures are in color... and ours are all in b&w or sepia! )
  15. am going to see how it looks a little more close up! thanks!
  16. ok! it's there! i have to scoot on out now! take care and stay warm wendi! sorry i didn't get to chat with you robi! have missed you all tons!
  17. yes.... fortunately i have one hanging on the wall.... me and my hubby at age one.... and my kids as well - so everyone can compare who resembles who.... going to scan....
  18. oh my goodness! are you all not just the cutest babies i ever saw! read back a bit - the baby pictures are a great idea! and if you could tell.... i am feeling much better today! (still a bit slow - but feeling more alive, nonetheless!) just popped on before heading off to do one store.... then will be back on!
  19. deb - are you sick too? cold and flu season has finally hit the east coast, i think! (and i would gladly give license to let my body fall apart if i could get a new body part that doesn't feel like crap! )
  20. hey amp! no that was from the 2nd london gig in december..... btw! hello everyone! i see that quite a few of you are on right now! i am still sick.... staying home today to rest - as i was up all night coughing and didn't get very much sleep! had to get up anyway to get the kids up and ready for school.... have not been feeling well enough to much of anything lately! except the things that i have to do! feeling like a zombie - so off i go! (one of these days i will be back to feeling better and feeling more chipper as well! )
  21. hello fellow oldlings! just caught up on the last few pages... so wendi is snowed in! and all of you in europe are getting snow! we had the first little bit of snow yesterday... but nothing stuck to the ground! (the last snow we got that actually stuck to the ground was the day before easter last year!) but it is COLD here! and i am not feeling so well! started feeling crappy on new years day... this morning woke up with sore throat, stuffy nose and all those wonderful body aches! (y'know - the ones that you wake up with in the morning and wonder if it is really old age setting in??!! ) have taken some medicine though - and have been doing some light housework in my jams! vacuuming, laundry, kitchen cabinets and countertops... decided to clean the oven today too and it smells horrid! - (self cleaning electric oven that i have - no scrubbing required but it stinks up the whole house:thumbdown: ) so... if you are feeling well enough... think of me while you are watching the snow fall! or if you are brave enough... throw a snowball for me!
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