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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. good morning good morning! good afternoon! just popping on before i go to work this morning! hope you all have a wonderful day today! my kids are back to school today... so back to the same ole' for me as well! deb - did you get my pm the other day? ok! off i go!
  2. yesssss..... i am still up! officially a happy new year to all of you now! just wanted to share this with you! was cruising around the threads and found that our genius babs has already youtubed some of the jools' hootenanny..... so watch this http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MuB10IIaMXc and listen closely to the words he is singing! if you watched it on the telly perhaps you thought your ears were playing tricks on you but i caught it the first time i watched it! surely - it is a subtlety that only we would understand!
  3. and this: http://abc.go.com/specials/newyearsrockineve/ and i think it said 10 eastern/9 central time:thumb_yello:
  4. 10 pm on abc http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/WinterConcert/story?id=4061611
  5. happy new year aussies! (forgive me... has been a while since i have stepped in here! ) but i have had visions of you all in oz celebrating on yer verandas! here's to a colorful and ace 2008!
  6. off to bed you go then! happy new years! and good luck with the tummy tomorrow! (best don't forget to take the antacid with you then! )
  7. and ellanorelle..... you will be one of our last oldlings to celebrate the new year! (3 hours behind us here on the east coast!) and i still have a little less than 3 hours to go! happy new year!!!!
  8. oooh ooooh! before i forget! :yay:happy birthday pooh! does your oldling # match your age now? and if it does... you are still a baby oldling.... hope your day is wonderful!
  9. it's new years.... you should be celebrating! no blaming it on the bottle now!
  10. well actually it's on every page! here is the thread about it skully: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11750
  11. yes! noticed that too! skully - its on the home page - at the top of the screen.... used to be the unshaven jim morrison pose... now it's the one with the dollar bills on his tshirt!
  12. had written a wonderfully nostalgic and sappy year in 2007 review... and then lost it when i clicked backspace! i just wanted to thank all of you for making this year a truly wonderful one! am filled with love and emotion for you all... (and now in a slightly pissy mood now that i lost my post! because it was really good.....) ok! ok! am calmed down now and thinking happy thoughts again! so here's to wishing you all the most wonderful 2008! i am so glad that you all have been a part of my life this year! see you next year! (sorry! had to write that! )
  13. hey carri and blue! hope you both had wonderful christmases - with family and all! mine was quite chaotic - to say the least! mom and stepdad - oldest daughter and baby all safely home now! has quieted down now and the dogs and cat are actually living in harmony! (they never knew that a 1 year old baby could be more annoying than they are to each other!) have missed you all! but you have all been in my thoughts!
  14. alrighty then! just popped in on that one thread in question.... didn't realize it had gotten to such a debate level! am off to work! love to you all!
  15. hey carri! are you still having trouble finding the wii? crazy madness here for them!
  16. good morning ladies (and fred ) got a couple of minutes to pop on this morning before i head out into the cold.... hope you are all bundled and warm now- especially skully (glad to meet you btw! )
  17. just stopped by to let you all know (since it appears that everyone is sleeping... - hopefully dreaming of sugarplums - or if you are like me... you are having nightmares about waking up christmas morning and santa overslept! ) i have been sucked into the never-ending vortex of late christmas planning the past few days! right now - that is what it feels like anyway! hope you are all doing well! i will try to get on sometime this week .... but it is getting to be crunch time! love to you all! maybe i can stop by for a cuppa!
  18. if you have any other questions about the recipe - just let me know! i have to get now - hubby home now and dinner to be made! i feel like all my puppet strings are being pulled in every direction! talk to you all soon! was wonderful to be on the same time and get to talk to you all!
  19. jam is made with the whole fruit (its thicker - maybe a preserve you call it?) whereas jelly is only made with the juice! (which is almost see through and doesn't seem to spread as well)
  20. what do you use to scoop and measure flour and sugar?
  21. and t = teaspoon you do use those over there in the uk?
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