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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. nope.... day before the gig and day after only.... is not looking good
  2. no basketball until the monday:boxed: checking philly for sports events.....
  3. i will throw out a line... and see what kind of feeling i get from him.... are there any basketball games going on that weekend in nyc?
  4. he has golf clubs that are in good working order (maybe has used them 5 times or so... he's not a big golfer yet....) i will discuss nyc - since its a weekend - and even though philly is closer - it's on a school night:boxed:
  5. i am thinking that he needs to come to virginia beach... to visit his family.....
  6. philly is about 5+ hours away..... much closer than nyc - but i am thinking that my husband would do this to me.... nyc is 7 hours away
  7. i am sad - but maybe it's for the best..... new york is sooooooo far!
  8. well happy anniversary kath! love to you both! and i really must go - my strings are being yanked.....
  9. am back - luckily! you would have thought someone was being murdered! bad kids.... will hang them from their toenails outside.... maybe they will blow away! (it's verrrrrrry windy here today!)
  10. well that is def being a good mom! nothing like a night of carols! but i am off - have to beat my children off of each other.... i swear that one just walked in the door - and now this???? sorry! love to you all! (will try to pop on in a few!)
  11. you guys going to that tomorrow? bless those little palladium boys!
  12. there will be some tickets available for sale? for february?
  13. and me - just barely getting over 4,000! did blue already take off on her flight to london?
  14. really sorry about tonight girls! but you will be able to go in february, right?
  15. awwww! cazgirl's report was pretty darn sweet! deb! i think she's even tinier than you! (looks back at a picture of deb and cherisse....) yep!
  16. awww! such adorable pics! and your "report" was lovely! didn't think that you were so tiny caz! glad you posted the picture with cherisse - or i wouldn't have imagined it!
  17. hey robi! doing fine - feeling like a doll made with strings - being pulled in one direction or another - do this do that go here go there - and christmas is not so far away anymore! i am slightly stressed!
  18. he ho! are you feeling better now? no more throat sweets stuck to yer cheek in the mornings? (i have to admit when i read you did that - i was )
  19. i just got on my computer - to find out that tonight and tomorrow's gigs are cancelled... (and then i had to find my way to this new thread! ) feeling lost here! lost for words... and lost in other ways as well! how are you all doing?
  20. yes! you are! (on a roll, that is! ) i so love this picture of you! lovely!
  21. just as long as you wash your dirty dishes.... (do you like doggies? because my doggies like strange women.)
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