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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. i won't tell you that the key is under the doormat then!
  2. noo noo! keep it! it's healthy to look at things with different perspectives! sorry i didnt get to meet you in glasgow! are you having fun with jill?
  3. charlie! so glad you made it home safely (the trip west doesn't seem to be as tiring as going the other way for some reason... ) your report was wonderful! and i have to say that i am excited to see your pics! because i could see them on your camera after you snapped - like i said... i could see your cheeks smiling even from behind!
  4. or give you a rash! like the mika tartan did me! (mutters under her breath... allergic to the mika tartan! what are the chances!:naughty: )
  5. well i live here - not originally from here...
  6. and babs - i must say - that if you are to deliver that turnip to kjoshi - that she lives only a few hours away and that you could deliver your attempting to give a damn presence to me and debs as well!
  7. i don't blame you deb.... but i'm going to throw in virginia beach area too -
  8. too cute for words jemma! haven't forgotten the dealio about the phones... will send you the link when i find it!
  9. think it is something quite symbolic... and i don't think he was ducking... he was afraid! although i DO remember seeing something from the left balcony being chucked onto the stage at some point during the night (can't remember if it was during mika or palladium)
  10. OK! i have 40 pages to catch up on.. but i have posted my pictures onto photobucket! http://s240.photobucket.com/albums/ff191/Glasgow_07/hoochatootch/ enjoy them!
  11. on my way to deb's house in half an hour! is glasgow ready for this??? there will be no turning back for us after 6.05 pm eastern time! wooo hoooo!
  12. your life will never return back to normal after this weekend!
  13. is there someplace to get a good scottish breakfast??? (NOT haggis thank you! )
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