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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. oooohhh! forgot to post a piccie in my last.... how about a doggie in a kilt???
  2. but..... or should i say... BUTT...?
  3. i think nothing.... i love wearing skirts as well! and for the post.... a piccie of ewan and his lovely wife eve
  4. omg! great thread! runs off to find piccie....... here you go!
  5. love love love it! and yes - my immediate thought was... "the helping hands" from labyrinth.... wonderful!
  6. quite slick in the page loads, i dare say! kudos deano! and same to everyone that helped in acquiring this new SUPER SERVER! woooo hooo! may the old server RIP!
  7. well... i won't go into to many details.... (but i will say that he was the subject of many good dreams when i was younger!
  8. one of my friends named her son jareth.... because of this movie! "what kind of magic spell to use? slime and snails or puppy dogs' tails..." david's voice sends shivers down my soul....
  9. not that i have seen it either.... but i'm sure your nose is growing now freddie!
  10. ooohhh! can't wait to see it! lots of balloons and a green screen! just wondering why he didn't use his wings...
  11. hola! welcome to the mfc!
  12. welcome babs! lucky you to see him at lowlands! heard it was awesome! have fun here!
  13. hello leonita! welcome to the mfc!
  14. welcome to the mfc sweetie!
  15. welcome to the mfc! have a wonderful time here!
  16. hey judith! welcome to the mfc!
  17. welcome to the mfc rainbowboi! have a great time here!
  18. welcome to the mfc! have a wonderful time here!
  19. she would fit... petite little thing that she is...
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