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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. i have the mfc link on my myspace... but the more i am thinking about this i am wondering... if we all go over and create accounts at the mikasounds forum... won't we be adding to their member numbers?? i, for one, do not have an account there... i personally do not want to add to their numbers if it is going to come down to cut-throat statistics.... or do the actual numbers of members not really make a difference?
  2. awww! look at martin's big smile in that pic with the blow up palm tree! how CUTE is that??? thanks so much for sharing your piccies and reports with us!
  3. i'm there! and honestly, i am pretty sure (especially after today) that mika knows how important the mfc is to us and to him...
  4. and so i see your post thingy on the new mika myspace blog eir and i am wondering..... why didnt i know about this any sooner? add me to the list please! i have always been a believer!
  5. thanks mikablog! *thinking happy thoughts....*
  6. hey sara! welcome to the mfc!
  7. thank you for doing that jack! and this was my favorite line: i SO love how he thinks! hmmmm.... seems like i was just having a conversation like this the other day.....
  8. hey there! welcome to the mfc! lucky you going to europe!
  9. hey michelle! welcome to the mfc!!!!
  10. welcome milou! yes! awesome introduction! thanks for sharing with us! you can just make yourself at home here darlin! have a great time and enjoy!
  11. hey myra! welcome to the mfc! yes - we are all crazy and nice here! the best place to be with the best people to be with!
  12. i know! i know! just as long as i'm invited to the wedding...
  13. why did i see this thread coming??? :roftl:
  14. exactly....... are you feeling it too???
  15. yeah! they can swap lollies as much as they want to!
  16. OMG! so loving all of these...... thank you! i dont think he could get any cuter.... but he always seems to pull it off, doesnt he?
  17. love that boy! thanks so much for the link.... and soooooo quick!
  18. baaahhhhhh! i just discovered that myself..... will wait patiently..... just being here makes me feel better though! and freddie - i'm thinking mika almost needs a big stage -so much more room for him to jump around! i say that as i realized only a few days ago that we did not even get the LOVE letters in DC because our stage was so freaking tiny....
  19. maybe i am here late.... but has this link been posted yet??? http://www.bbc.co.uk/glastonbury/ maybe they will show him on this... although this is alot like the coachella live broadcasts...
  20. nope! no bbc tv here for me in the states.... i have to wait for youtube as well..... and yes - it always seems that they will wait to show him till the end... i'm sure it's on purpose... they always do that with the great news stories here in the states too...
  21. yes! and mrs penniman... but only for a minute or so at the afterparty.... i didnt get to talk to them at all but i did smile and say hi!
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