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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. excited to see this...! after the girls have done their youtubing magic.... *sigh* i just have to wonder why i always feel a little leap of joy in my heart - just knowing that this moment the boy is on stage doing his magic - even though he is all the way across the globe.... ahhh! i think i am going through withdrawals.....
  2. jack - you were the one i was referring to about her saying this... as i stood by watching while you asked to take her picture! was not for sure if she said internet or forums... but i am asuming it would mean the same thing? and i am thinking that you are the only one that got to chat with her and get a piccie.... lucky lucky jack!
  3. in DC she stated that she doesnt want pictures of her posted on the forum! i think she may be the sweet shy one!
  4. and not sure about the blonde guy...but he seems to be the one to keep mika on schedule.... saw him in DC and in the vids from glasgow.... i remember him actually grabbing my body to move me out of his way.... a man with a mission that one!
  5. i can tell from your pic - thats jerry!
  6. kjoshi - i think jerry is documenting mika's career... fans are an integral part of becoming a star! and you and your cousins and sister were TOO cute to NOT take a picture of!
  7. yop - i have to say that i agree with you! and please, everyone remember... that he has probably been working toward this kind of exposure for the last few years.... maybe he is making up for time wasted... remember? when no one wanted to give him a label or a chance to be himself? remember that he loves what he does.... and being the self driven perfectionist that i think he is... i am quite sure that he is happy that he has this totally awesome and wonderful opportunity to share his beautiful music with the world!
  8. welcome to the mfc sodapop! have a wonderful time here!
  9. welcome anzuzu! have a great time here in the mfc! yes! and just why not?
  10. welcome vema! hope you have a great time here in the forums!
  11. hey cat! welcome to the mfc!! you can post your pics on the miami thread!
  12. hey laura! welcome to the mfc! have a great time here!
  13. hoochatootch


    welcome juli! yes mika can do that to ya! enjoy!
  14. welcome to the mfc! you will have a wonderful time here!
  15. hola! bienvenidos al mfc! have a great time here!
  16. welcome to the mfc! your username is funny! (like mine isnt?)
  17. welcome jane!!!!! so glad you got to see mika!!!! he is wonderful! have fun here!
  18. welcome to the mfc christina! have a great time here!
  19. you too!!!! (hopefully mika will be back here again before glasgow too! )
  20. that is exactly what i am thinking! maybe jerry can help us out again?
  21. hooray hooray! i am SO HAPPY for all of you! i wish i could come to italy.... but i will see some of you the month after! yippee! i love that mika boy!!!
  22. because mika's rupert pants will always put a smile on our faces!
  23. OMG! i cant BELIEVE how many people are going to be in glasgow!!!! i think we are going to have to plan our own private mfc afterparty with mika!
  24. i LOVED it! it reminds me of all the fun 80's videos when mtv just started.... (yes - i'm old enough to remember all of them!) i especially love the parts where he poses with the big girls and peaks his head out between their bodies ....between the legs had me giggling like a school girl the point is... there doesnt have to be a "point" its just everyday people having fun being who you are... enjoying life... the people around you... and drinking up every wonderful and delicious moment!
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