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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. still have to do part 2..... everyone has been popping on here and i have felt the urge to respond! ok - will do part 2......
  2. mgpm!!!!! there you are! OMG! i didnt realize you got finale pics! you go girl! i have to say that you were quite the fun one last night!
  3. hey rainbow!!!!!!! *jumps up and down giving happy happy joy joy huggies to you too!!!!!* (love the new myspace name by the way! )
  4. :roftl: but all that mattered is that we got to meet him! wouldn't trade a crappy-looking-me-getting-to-meet-mika-day for a day that we didn't get to!
  5. me too! too bad we didnt look as pretty as mika did afterwards!
  6. OMG becca! how freaking awesome is THAT first picture??!! default! we were sooooooo bad taking pics!!
  7. pic 1 - jack violet and my daughter pic 2 - dcdeb, mgpm, tom, and terri (don't know if that's how you spell her name deb:blink: ) pic 3 - my rainbow radio, jack and me
  8. where do i begin on this part? i suppose..... as the crowd started clearing out we gathered and tried to figure out where we were going to try and meet mika.... we had decided to try and wait for him outside so were trying to figure out the best way to get outside.... looking around at everyone leaving and the club crew starting to clean up- i look up and see jerry blair on the balcony! i yelled his name and waved and helped dcdeb get the mfc poster out so we could show it to him and ask how we could get it and our other gifts to mika... he waved for us to come up and dropped 2 afterparty passes down to us! we told him that there were more than 2 of us and he said that he would get us so dcdeb flashed the passes to one of the club crew and he told us how to get to the stairs to the balcony. we get there and tell the club security guy what jerry said about coming up but needless to say - 2 passes - only 2 people.... so deb and mgpm went up stairs and we waited for jerry to come and get us! when we first seen him in the arena it was only me and my daughter and jack, so he was suprised that there were more of us... when i thought the 3 of us were going to be the only ones to get up i looked at him and gave him the "puppiest eyes" and said "all the flashing hearts are mfc members....." i was starting to have dread and guilt feelings to the point that i dont hink i could have gone up there if he didnt let us ALL go! and lo and behold he let everyone up! (BIG YAY for JERRY!!! ) then we waited a bit and took pics of each other.... chatted with jerry a bit about the mfc and he asked about the flashing hearts - deb had a couple extra and gave them to him! (i showed him how they turned on! - what a genuinely sweet guy!) breaking this up a bit so i can post the appropriate pics.... ...and meeting mika is its own post!
  9. JERRY IS THE BOMB! hot-diggity-dog-diggity boom! after he got us upstairs to the after party and mika came out i asked him if he could pass on the cards and gifts that dcdeb and i had for the rest of the band he said wait a second, disappeared behind the curtain and came back WITH them! and last night he was informed that he has his own thread here on mfc! and i felt so impressed by his genuine interest in the mfc that i felt the need to get a piccie with him! love mikey and cherisse in this too!
  10. hey lissy! i don't remember him dropping the mic! but i was on the other side of the stage! i do remember martin's speaker popping a couple of times though..... will get the rest of the report out in a bit.... got TONS of pics from the after party! but gotta tend to my hungry kids..... be back in a few! by the way - i just wanted you to know jack - you are awesome! i am glad that i got to spend a lot of time with you! you know how you were saying about mika reminding you of friends....? well you remind me of my best friend in high school!
  11. she had a GREAT time! after the show was done and she came back to me she had a big grin on her face and told me that she actually touched mika's foot!
  12. the only ones that turned out somewhat - sorry i couldnt get more! couldnt risk getting my camera confiscated and not having it for more opportune moments (ie: meeting him!)
  13. i agree that sarah was quite good.... was really impressed with the guy that played the cardboard box! break between shows..... (oh by the way - i was standing right behind deb - in front of martin...) and then.... it was mika!!!!! he bounded onto the stage in full force with relax i was in such awe of him and the simple fact that we were finally getting to see him that i had a big smile on my face and tears in my eyes at the same time! he was amazing! and i jumped around and sang and clapped like a teenager! i apologize to all those that were around me if i got you on the recoils! i admit that i was a freak and probably scared the crap out those pushy teenage boys that were behind me and kjoshi! LOL! oh and before i forget! a million thanks to marianne for letting my daughter stand in front of you so she could see mika!! (she had a prime position in the little "drool zone" that jutted out a bit from the center of the stage!) and to kjoshi too - for helping my girl get through to her! and to coin a phrase perhaps? ...MFC is FAMILY!!!! i am SO glad that everyone was able to get a flashy heart - because i think it really helped him find were we were in the crowd! (lissy i am bummed that yours didnt last long enough ) all the songs were great! he looked fantastic for not feeling well.... i agree that when the shirt didnt come off for love today that i knew there was something about...... and we did get the sweet dreams move - although it was with out the mic stand! all i can say is that i felt like i got a work out when it was all over! pics in a minute!
  14. do it here shelby! so we can keep everything in one place!
  15. and the only pre-show pics i have are one of me that my lovely daughter took (mind you - just so you know that i arrived to the club looking decent - because the rest of the pictures were all after the gig and i jumped around and sweat my arse off!) ...and one of ashley - the girl that got to be big girl - she was right behind us in the line! and we got to chat with the guy that must be mika's stage manager - because he is the one that came and got her from the line....
  16. WOW! deb, jack, kjoshi and lissy you have all written such awesome reports! and lissy i have to say that when i saw your pics i started getting tears in my eyes! i was quite upset that we couldn't just take pictures outright - i snuck a few in myself - and then got warned to put the camera away! will be interesting to see if they get to take pics in boston - and then we will know that it was just the venue..... it was such an awesome experience meeting everyone! deb, mgpm, jack, marianne, lissy, myrainbowradio, kjoshi and all your family and friends as well! i dont know where to begin! so this will be the pre-show part... we had a 3 hour drive from virginia beach to our hotel, got ready and left for the club at 3:30 - with all intentions of being there by 4:00 - but got stuck in traffic getting downtown and then was forced in taking the scenic tour to get to the club, as making a left turn at a signal in DC is pretty much prohibited! dont even remember for sure what time it was that we got there - was just happy to have made it in one piece! got to the club in time to see the band arrive - they were almost discreet - even though they got out of their van and walked right in the front door! LOL! then the clouds rolled in and after getting rained on the club was so kind to let us into the basement - and there really wasnt a line - so we were able to move about and chat with each other - which was quite nice! and we finally had a flat surface to sign the mfc poster - which by the way deb turned out totally awesome! (hopefully mika will hang it up in his room! ) at 6:30 deb and i went back outside to move our cars off the street into the parking lot. i jokingly told her that it would be just our luck that we would see mika and i didnt have my camera with me....and while crossing the street deb called my name and pointed! in the alley next to the club we saw mika getting out of his car (cant remember if it was a car or suv) along with i think his sister and someone else (i dont recall it being his mom) cant say for sure if it was even his sis - as all i REALLY noticed was a tall boy with curls! so yes - deb and i were pretty lucky to have witness mika's arrival - and everyone thought that we should have looked different because we had just seen him! maybe it was shock - but mostly i was just happy that he was actually there!
  17. thanks rainbow! i think we will have an absolutely freaking brilliant time! i will be thinking about you! envisionioning the aussie "meeting mika vid" as a guideline of good manners around the boy! (i hope i don't do the "deer in headlights!":blink: ) you will be with us in spirit!
  18. well, everyone remember - deb is bringing the mfc poster - and sharpies for us all to sign and give to mika - so he can hang it on his wall at home!
  19. thanks babspanky! and yes - listen for the screaming! i dont know if i will be able to sleep tonight!
  20. but i wont be able to post until wednesday afternoon.... because i wont be home until then.....
  21. yes we will robertina! in the words of mika...(ring ring) I'M FREAKIN' OUT!
  22. sending telepathy messages to mika and jerry blair..... * chicken suit *
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