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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. ohh! it really is a little stage! hmmmmm....probably jeans and tshirts people? :blink: has everyone ordered mfc buttons???
  2. hahahahahahahaha! those lollipop boys made me bust out laughing!!!! :roftl: :roftl: oh! soangel! the guy in this pic - with the glasses, white shirt and black jacket? he had an american accent???? because i think that is the same guy that was telling the girls at barrowlands to stop taking pics because they were going to be late for soundcheck.....
  3. awesome visual aide jack!!! we are SOOO going to be close to mika!
  4. sounds like a PLAN! whooo hoooo! i got an outfit for the gig today!!!
  5. idk...... gotta feed my girl before the gig too (i will be too excited to eat!) i will have to remember to bring my gps - could help with finding a place to eat on the way..... i am thinking we should be there by 5 at the least.... maybe earlier???
  6. how awesome is right!!! talented lady mouselle! i was like WOW!
  7. awesome awesome awesome pics soangel!!!! whoo hoo! of course beautiful pics of mika but also so awesome to see all of YOU!!!!
  8. becca would probably know? deb are we just going to meet up there?
  9. :woot_jump: i am so happy for all of you! maybe happy is an understatement? your stories are WONDERFUL and i know that you are not even finished with them all! whooooo hoooooooo! i am so happy for you all that i am crying tears of joy!!!
  10. well, you do your thing! uploading, organizing.... i cannot stay up any longer tonight eyes are needing toothpicks to look at the screen... (stayed up too late last night!) i will sleep well just knowing there will be AWESOME pics on here when i get up in the morning! or maybe i will toss and turn all night? whooo hooo!
  11. yayyyyyyyy! rainbow sky! (she who thought that she wouldnt get to meet mika?! ) i was about to go to bed and saw you logged on! i am so excited for you all! whooo hoo! omg! i cant wait to see pics! oh i have to say - i loved seeing you behind mika at the sunrise show! i knew it was you before i even read the sign!!! is your head still in the clouds???
  12. it is isnt it? i am up way to late and now i am too excited to go to bed:naughty:
  13. ohhh wooden sox! sorry to hear about not being able to get in! *hugs* i hope that you will be ok? i am bummed for you - but cheer up! there will be pics soon!
  14. WOW! totally awesome report! i am so excited to see the pics and vids you all took!
  15. i am thinking also that he might be restraining himself a bit on the tv show? saving his voice and energy for the concert the next day???
  16. that is good news becca! and good to know in case anyone else loses their tickets! we are in the single digits of the countdown today!!!!
  17. maybe someone from oz will explain, but what is the "X" on martin's forhead???? awesome pics! thanks for finding them titania!!!
  18. rainbow sky and happikali? soangel? we await reports aussie mikamites!
  19. 'pointlessly delicious' is from making of love today vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A861QtFG2BM the others i think are from interviews...not sure which ones:wink2:
  20. it should be "pointlessly delicious!!!!":biggrin2:
  21. yes! i am thinking about those aussie mikamites as well!!!! (gotta get this time difference figured....14 hours ahead of me... so its already tomorrow......) its 8.50 am there! OMG! he is on the tv right now! whoo hooo!
  22. yes i am! ooh glad you have been there! (was quizzing the receptionist about the area when i called to make the reservation!) the one by bolling afb, right?
  23. and deb, i meant to tell you that i ended up getting a room at the navy lodge - all the hotels in springfield that werent too expensive looked a bit scary... and tyson's corner were all expensive! i would have liked fairfield or courtyard, but ALL the marriott chains in the area were listed as no rooms available for that date! is there a convention or something going on that week???
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