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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. yes! - marianne - the kids are in half days that whole week!
  2. omg! thanks so much for this! i just KNEW they were the same color! *sigh* (and yes, miss piggy was often too bossy with kermie......)
  3. ok - friday morning...... time difference.... excitement.... well, a day early is better than a day late!
  4. i think it is tomorrow morning....
  5. possibly! one step at a time..... *whispers into babspanky's ear- "he doesnt even know about glasgow yet!":naughty:
  6. right now its just glasgow..... cant stay away from home too long... as hubby will not know what to do without me!
  7. yes mm...... go to glasgow! we NEED you!
  8. yay freddie!!! whoo hooo!! so looking forward to meeting you too! i cant wait to meet ALL of you!!!!
  9. cant wait to meet you too! whooo hoooo! most def will be a party! (and we can go kilt shopping if we have time:wink2: )
  10. will try for italy..... just couldnt pass up the chance to meet my friends AND see mika!
  11. yay!!!! i am going too! whooo hooo! and it will be wendi's first!!!!!
  12. mirtilla! are you going to glasgow with robertina???
  13. do you think there is any way we can arrange for charley and ewan to be in town while i am there???
  14. i know! i am so excited! shocked at myself.... but excited! yes - superstar carrie needs to come up too!
  15. and i will hopefully be telling mika when i see him (in 12 days) that robertina and i are making a special trip!
  16. forgive me father, but my only sin - that i can think of right now anyway - is that i haven't posted in this thread! and as you can see by my siggy - i have questioned our M's divinity for quite some time!
  17. oooohhh! happy tears i hope? give me a hug! i really do mean it! i cant even express all the feelings that come over me when i look at it! (maybe someday i will be able to - and i will write them down for you! )
  18. welcome to the mfc koni! awesome pics! i just had to laugh at how much of his lovely green legs stuck out of the bottom of his costume! and i have to say that the color of those jeans remind me of kermit the frog! (that's a good thing! )
  19. havent been over here in a while..... as it can be attributed to the futile attempts at housekeeping and childcare - we shouldnt have to make excuses here in this thread!!! blue sky - i just wanted to tell you how proud i am of you! i hope that you frame that picture from the vmaj - because even though you may feel like you might have come up short by not actually meeting our boy, you have expressed to the WORLD how we ALL feel about MIKA! when i look at that picture i am just in complete AWE... i'd have to even go as far to say that it is now one of my most favorite pictures ever! they say a picture is worth a thousand words...... (so just multiply that by the number of mfc members...which by the way keeps growing!) you are beautiful!
  20. well, i am sooooooo torn! deffo would like to make plans for a "for sure" date! double date? eeeeeeeeeekkkk! and i would love to come to bonnie old scotland to see my friends!!!! rubbing my tartan...... ohhhhhhh! MIKA! what have you done to me????
  21. you are very welcome birthday girl! he is quite festive, isnt he!??
  22. thought you would enjoy our mascot - dressed for the occasion!
  23. have you seen this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLn45-7Pn2Y kinda catchy!
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