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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. i cant sit so close - as my eyes keep wanting to cross when i am in the front row! well, i am excited to see it! guess i should crawl into bed - being as its almost 3.30 am! g'day mate! i'll be dreamin' of cap'n jack!
  2. :roftl: i wont be able to make shocked exclamations if i have something in my mouth! *note to self - be very careful eating popcorn so as not to choke!* i am really looking forward to it!
  3. i love you rainbow! you are a true joy! and thanks for the heads up! i will be bringing a bib with me to the theatre!
  4. we are going to see it tomorrow! but tell me, is the rum still always gone??
  5. and we might as well make this your welcome to the mfc thread! so welcome aboard perez! why did you wait so long to sign up?
  6. welcome to the mfc becca! (left you a note on the dc thread) i was sending you telepathy to join the mfc today!! hehe! look forward to meeting you!!!
  7. hey becca! welcome to the mfc! so glad you found us!
  8. why yes..... he even looks quite young in that pic! you must go post it in ice man thread!
  9. no - love, angel, music, and baby are on tour with her in the states right now! just saw them last week!
  10. a toy - my little step sister was crazy about them! http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i224/tacvbafan/monchichi.jpg
  11. chew chew looks like a monchichi!
  12. oh! i am crushed that you didnt get to meet mika! *puts cozy mfc blanket of mika-love around blue sky and hugs* saw the pic with you on the other thread! what is the link to the vmaj site where your pic is posted? YOU, my dear, are a star!
  13. we are VERY proud of you!! i am sure that mika saw you! how could he not - you with your blonde and pink hair and wearing red!!!! omg! we ARE everywhere!!!!
  14. awesome shirt mel!! wow! delias - great stuff! hee hee! hannah you must be bsg fan! me too!
  15. thanks deek! you're so AWESOME for posting! blue sky! you are truely representing! i think that i can speak for everyone here when i say that!!!! wow! wow! wow!!!!!
  16. yes yes! quite right you are! we WILL be in the front where he can see us! oh dcdeb! i will be spending the weekend with "non-believers" as well! will be hard to maintain coolness, when all sorts of little things remind me of mika....
  17. yes i know what you mean mgpm! the excitement is building and building.... sometimes i wonder if i am having anxiety as well!!! i hope he does satellite i would just start crying! *note to self - bring tissues...*
  18. ohhhhh! you have to keep going! i gotta get to bed! have a great day and talk to you soon!!!
  19. oh yes happikali! you will have to let us know if he is there! because if he is then he will be coming to the states too! the thread is great! you will have to go through the whole thing - there are some really fantastic pics in here! and you will be:roftl:
  20. love it! you kinda have to sing the song when you read it!!
  21. beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say... but it should just say that beauty is in the eyes.... ...the windows to the soul! gotta be personality!
  22. laughing at your comment steph! i didnt get to meet you johnny cos i wasnt there either! eh? see my location! welcome to the mfc holy johnny! hope you are having a great time here! and by the looks of it you are! see you around!
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