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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. what i wouldnt give for a star trek transporter right now!!! hee hee! (yes - i am a sci-fi geek! )
  2. and i am all out of breath as i was just jumping up and down and screaming like a wild woman when i found out that the girls got to meet him!! and i am getting an auto graph! omg!
  3. he got the trews!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! they are floating on clouds for sure!!!!!!!!!!! :wub2:
  4. i was wondering how late it was for you! you'd think i would have the time conversion thingy down by this time - with my hubby being in the navy and sailing around the world.....
  5. hey happikali! its 7 pm now - i bet they are meeting him right now - if no text msg then they must be preoccupied!!!!! omg!!!!!
  6. and i am:roftl: lmao!!!!! because i know EXACTLY where you are coming from!!!
  7. i need some rum just to calm my nerves! but it is too early for that right now!!!!
  8. wendi wendi! please let the girls know that i made it home and i am here with you on the mfc!!!!!! i feel like i am going to have an anxiety attack just being here - i cannot imagine what it must be like for them!!!!
  9. yay!!!!!! omg! they are going to meet MIKA! and he is going to get his trews!!!!!!!!!!!! i am dying of excitement here!!!!!
  10. it was a "happy mothers day" animation! sorry it didnt turn up for ya - sometimes those things dont! not sure about freezing a vid for a picture - i dont think i have the correct software to do that! you might want to check with one of the tech-ie younglings like beckar about that!! ia cant beleive i got home in time for this!!!!!
  11. im here im here! i just walked in the door!!!! gotta change clothes and run to the loo! be right back! whoo whoo!!!
  12. yes - and that is a lovely thought isnt it???!!!!
  13. yay! happi - i love the frame you picked for your avi! you totally captured the moment!
  14. so you are posting on this thread! got it! i am so excited!
  15. i cant believe the day is finally here!!!!! i am so excited for all of you! (do i keep repeating myself??? ) *singing* tonight. tonight won't be just any night. tonight there will be no morning star. tonight. tonight. you'll see our love tonight and for us, stars will stop where they are. (west side story!)
  16. awesome article! thank god there are critics that actually listen to mika for themselves and realize that he is genuine and extraordinary! mika is a gift from above that is here to awaken all those souls that have been sleeping through life!
  17. and here i am - giving a midnight hoist! they look wonderful! and i LOVE the waistband tag!!! i am so proud of you all for doing such a great job!! and i will be thinking of you all day tomorrow while i am at work! and thank you so much for taking my postcard to MIKA - and rainbow sky's gift with you! its like a little peice of us is going to be there with you! *sigh* i hope it is truely magical
  18. im going! love you guys! kisses all around!!!!!
  19. i will tell you all right now...... i love you all! my mika love is with you in spirit!!!!
  20. i am going to have to get a move on! i will hopefully get to see the trousers when i get home - if i dont get to chat with you then i will leave you messages! and wendi - tomorrow night is a date! just let me know what time i need to be on and i will be there! you can relay texts and we can listen to licm?????
  21. you're right!!! i am a nutter! but i am usually in my house - not in public! poor dave!!! !
  22. but seriously - that is waaaaaayyyyy long distance - and i'm sure you will be too excited and focused on the boy! i cant believe you are going to meet him tomorrow night!!!! i am going to be a nutter tonight - i can tell i have too much excitement inside me and my friend is going to call me a freak - and its not even to see gwen stefani!!!
  23. and leezy has my phone number if you want to call me for some reason:naughty: my friends and i do that with each other - when we arent at concerts together - we call their cell phones and just let the music record on voicemail !!!!
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