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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. hey kath! are you excited?????? i am! and im not even going tomorrow!!! are you and satu having fun????
  2. i can hope on for a few in the morning 8am my time and i should be back on around 2pm my time - but i know that they will be on their way already then??
  3. wonder what happened??? my friends will be coming in a few minutes! i have been running around picking up the house - getting ready - getting my girl ready - i wish i had time to just sit here all night! and i am going to be upset if i dont get to talk to you all before the gig tomorrow because of the time difference!
  4. i love chicken too!!! smexy chicken!!!
  5. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
  6. pulling these lovely trousers up.... up up up! *sighs*
  7. thanks for posting all the pics and links!!!! you guys are all so awesome! i love the mfc!!!!
  8. refusing to read posts in this thread before i vote and i'm not voting! he's a MIKA! MIKA MIKA MIKA! lovely angel boy with a voice like no other!!!!
  9. thanks so much for posting the pics kitekat they are wonderful!! and blackwildkitty - that is so awesome that Mika's mum is making sure that he signs your things! wow! how awesome is that!!? you guys are great!!!!!
  10. oh carrie! she is going to flip!!!!! how awesome is that! sorry to hear the new doggie is chewing up cords! will be excited to see the pics tomorrow! yay! it sounds like it was wonderful!!!!
  11. and glad to hear that you made it to kath's safely satu!!!
  12. yay! cant wait to see! will they be modelled????? take burst photos!!
  13. great idea satu! you must keep clean and orderly quarters??? or been a librarian in another life????? (i suffer from slightest ocd.... ...organization freak here! i can't think straight if everything's a mess!)
  14. i do! he will be home in 2 more months! yay!!! but dreading the adjustment of mfc time! dont know for sure where we are going to eat - but definitely not mcdonalds!!!!! btw - my neighbor is from japan! she got me a little wooden japanese doll w/ a bell to hang on my rear view mirror in my jeep when i asked her what the writing said, she told me "drive safe! no accident!" she is so sweet!
  15. well, it being mother's day here (and hubby being gone!) i am taking myself out to eat - and bringing the kids along too!
  16. have been very fond of johnny since wayy back! i can play 6 degrees to johnny in 2 steps - my friend in washington used to party with him when he was in vancouver during 21 jump street! but it was before i met her! my favorite johnny characters: willy wonka and of course - jack sparrow! a picture for gazing!
  17. welcome to the mfc!!! yay - another us fan!! have a great time!!!
  18. congrats cazgirl!!!!! great job! all that worrying ! - and now make sure you eat something - because you have probably been too nervous to eat the last day or so!!!!
  19. i saw this thread and my first thought was: rainbow sky! i knew i would find you here!! where is kath? *gets out padding for floors and pillows for lounging*
  20. your a nutter as much as the rest of us!!! :roftl:
  21. oh! i thought you got some???? i'm sure that the girls have a piece for you!!!
  22. i know we are all curious..... but just put yourself in his shoes.... mika seems to be very polite and courteous - it is only fair that we are the same to him! and i'm not trying to sound like a mom... -even though i am! but please remember the golden rule... "do unto others as you would have them do unto you":wink2:
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