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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. and wendi - drive home carefully!!!!
  2. good night ladies! you have done a wonderful job!!!! have the sweetest of Mika-dreams! my love to you all!!!!!! kisses and hugs all around!
  3. it is almost 11.30 there - isn't it??? is anyone getting delirious yet????
  4. ok - just wanted to make sure it was ok with you all!!!
  5. hey - if its ok with you all, i am going to send martin an email on myspace to tell him to check out the thread - what do you think?
  6. and only 10 days from now you will be presenting said tartan trews to the boy!!! :punk:
  7. sweet mika dreams to you robertina!!! kiss kiss love!
  8. just what is she doing to mika's crotch??? did you reinforce the crotch????
  9. yay!!!!!! take a group picture of all of you too - and put it with the card - so he will always remember your loveley faces!
  10. im thinking that you should get a small piece of fabric and make a tag and embroider or write your names on it somehow - and sew it into the waistband!
  11. i hear ye! you guys are truely doing an amazing job!!!!!!! the tartan trousers are custom made indeed!!!
  12. just found this on the requesting pictures thread...... someone flashed a pic of mika's bum up close!!
  13. whoo whoo! sexy gitb! modeling the tartan!!!! they are looking awesome!
  14. i wish i could reach my hands through the computer!!!!
  15. looking great!!!!!!!!!!! i was working on my mika card!!!! wish we had "nudge" on here like msn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. it looks splendid! you guys are doing an awesome job!!!!
  17. leezy - i see you are back online - hopefully uploading pictures????
  18. i love summer and autumn but i chose autumn, because i love the colors of autumn and i love to wear sweaters, and scarves, and drink hot chocolate, spiced cider or tea after a windy walk and a frolic in the leaves!
  19. i put the big picture of mika on that thread for you guys!!
  20. jun 12th heres the link: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3304
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