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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. kath is loving her job at the moment, i am sure!! pockets!! yay! (i always liked sewing those!) and lasagne is yummy - take a picture of that for me too!!!
  2. well, i deleted my last post with the picture of Mika in the pink sweater - as i think it is not appropriate for this thread at this time.............. besides - you guys are the spotlight today!!!!!!!
  3. so awesome!!! looks like progress is being made! this is the next best thing to being there!! thanks so much for putting the pics on! i am working on my mika birthday card while you are working on the trousers- so i am in the moment with you all!!!
  4. ouch!! what part is being stitched together???
  5. papers in nice piles all over my floor - sorted by store - feel like i am using an entire tree's worth of paper!!!
  6. you are a bunch of nutters!!! just let me know if you have questions! i am more than willing to help in any way!!! just printing up my work for the week!
  7. yay! pictures! and i am back!!!!
  8. glad to hear everyone arrived safe and sound!!!! i will be checking on every little while to see your progress posts! take lots of pictures!!!
  9. oh yes - on the way to pa to hop onto the turnpike! (use that every once in a while to drive to wisconsin!) lived in lexington park for a few years myself!!!!!
  10. welcome to the mfc!!!
  11. welcome to the mfc luke!!!!!!
  12. welcome to the mfc!!! have a rockin time here!
  13. hey there and welcome! where are you in md?? are you going to the concert in dc in june?????
  14. pretty sure he says whore at koko http://music.msn.com/mika
  15. excited to hear how things are going!! hope to hear from you this evening !!!! will be on, drinking rum with kath!!!!
  16. she's closer to me - gonna see if we can work this out to pick her up!!!
  17. where do you live in va? ( you can pm me if you dont want to post it...)
  18. wishing you luck! have you heard from wendi? she has not been on since yesterday - not like her!? i hope she is ok!
  19. getting someone to like new music is like trying to feed a child a new veggie - sometimes they like it right away - sometimes they don't "it looks weird - it smells weird" they say... but if you keep putting it on their plate and exposing them to it, they might eventually try it and like it:biggrin2: and some never will....... but its ok:wink2:
  20. awww! i like care bears too! (my baby brother was so into them!) thanks for finding this deb!
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