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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. It sounds so American Bubblegum Pop if you know what I mean? Interesting... This version kind of stresses me out because of the high tempo but I don't think it's bad, I just wish he would've collaborated with someone more famous so he could get some attention in the US...


    Edit: Oh, apparently she is famous??? Well done Mika!

  2. I don't know you personally, but that's what I always thought of you anyway, you seem like a very positive person :teehee: And it seems I'm in a minority this time, but I don't think you were annoying at all, others like to moan much more often and even about less important things :naughty: Don't worry about it :huglove:


    Awww thanks Milda! :huglove: I guess I have been sort of negative these last two days, don't wanna go off topic, but my flight was cancelled and the customs police took me in and questioned me and looked through my handbag :sneaky2: So I've been sort of cranky lately lol But I'm in a better mood again now. :naughty:

  3. @Lara I think it is perfectly ok to talk about how you felt after the gig or how you have been treated. Others gave their perspective on how they thought it happened, so it may have even helped you. I have heard fans have similar feelings after a gig (not in the choir though), but they never said anything here and they may not see Mika again.

    Ingie and others have a point in saying that one can't expect Mika to approach fans with the same level of enthusiasm after each gig but when it comes to the choir what is it that he is offering them? His care and attention. It is about nothing but being near him for hours plus having one's picture taken and album signed. It developed into an expectation so if others got it or you had it on another night you expect the same thing to happen again. That is reality and the expectation will remain the same if he keeps trying to please fans this way.


    I totally agree with you and I absolutely think he's amazingly generous to his fans. I don't admire a lot of artists in the way that I admire Mika, the only other artist I can think of who had this close relationship to his fans is MJ.

    I hope Mika doesn't feel like he absolutely has to greet the fans after each of his shows because it's sort of expected. I wouldn't had mind it if someone from Mika's team came to us and simply told us that he had left so we could go back outside to our friends who were waiting for us. Really, I think Mika is one of the most down to earth artists on the planet, which is one of the reasons I bother to admire him (mainly because of his amazing creativity though).

  4. Yeah I was going to post those links :) The reviews have been amazing. I like the review where they mention the Polka Dot choir and the blow up instruments I gave to my friends in the front row lol

    Btw, I'd just like to add, about some people thinking I'm being negative and annoying; If you'd know me personally, you'd know that I'm one of the most positive people on this planet. I only complain about something when I truly feel it's appropriate and I've never been negative about my Mika experiences before and was always really positive about this actual show itself.

  5. Lara ... you had a wonderful experience because you got to be in the choir ... twice. A lot of people at MFC would have loved to be in the choir, but unfortunately they were not chosen ... not even once. So why don't you just focus on the good memories you have of this wonderful experience instead of keep complaining about the bad things that happened to you?


    I agree with Ingrid ... your posts are starting to be a little annoying, so get over it and focus on the good memories ... and remember that you had the chance of your life ... a chance that a lot of people here would loved to have had ... but never got.




    Did you even read my last post? :doh: I am being positive now. Sorry for having annoyed you...

    And like I said before, I am extremely appreciative of BOTH experiences.

  6. Just quickly - (I'm a bit upset just now as i've had to have my dog put down:sad: ) but all i'm saying is we shouldn't take it personally - it was no ones fault - ours included - but i'm sure ( i know) it wasn't intended as a snub to us.

    I'm not saying you still can't feel a bit low about it but ..... we need to just be careful we keep it in the frame of so many awesome times with Mika :wink2:

    Can't say much more atm :wink2:


    Sorry about your dog, Vicky :huglove:

    And you're right, we should just move on and treasure the good times :)

  7. Well, it sucks you had that experience, but Vicky explained why the lock was there and she asked so I assume she's right?


    Don't take this as a personal attack. I'm just not the kind of person to say ooh and aaah when I question things :wink2:


    The strange thing about the lock was that there was no one outside in the small bar, just lots of smoke and disco lights. I called it a disco for ghosts because it was so suprising that no one was there. Me and Karin assumed it was because they didn't want us to see into Mika & the band's dressingroom on the other side. It was only in the last hour or so that two or three people were actually there. It was really bizarre...

  8. From what I've heard it wasn't his crew but the venue's crew who were off and what is treated badly? It might just have been the way you've interpreted it unless they said: "You can't go in here because we don't want you near Mika."


    You must realise that it's hectic after shows. Nobody came to help us after Cologne, but we just happened to be in the way of everybody working there so there was no way they could forget it. But I find it strange you automatically assume it was all one big conspiracy.

    I've never said you weren't a big Mika fan. And I don't mind people sharing experiences they've considered to be bad, but when it is repeated multiple times I just kind of get annoyed about it, especially since it's not the end of the world. But that might just be my interpretation.


    I already wrote in this thread that it wasn't Mika's crew but the crew at Ritz who treated me badly and I wasn't being oversensitive about it, one example of what happened was that they grabbed me, asked other crewmembers about what I was doing here, eventhough they had taken a good look at my pass, held my arm and took me to the choir room, shut the door, then stood outside it for a long while, and the other door was locked with a giant chain so I was basically trapped for a long while until the other choir members came back from dinner.

    But as I said, I had the absolute time of my life onstage :wub2: It was one of the weirdest and therefor greatest Mika shows I had been to. Mika dumped my confetti over my head, it was wonderful lol

  9. It can't be the same everywhere. In Amsterdam he wanted to get pissed with us, in Cologne it was just a quick hello and sometimes it's nothing. But you know, there are so many people who would have given their right leg to be on that stage if it was just for once. Most of you got to do it twice. I think you should be grateful for that.


    Of course I appreciated the experience and the show was awesome, probably the best one I've ever seen, it was an absolute honor to be on that stage! I've never said I didn't appreciate, we were all really appreciative and had a blast on stage. But I'm still upset about how the crew treated me and that no one took care of us after the show and I'm sorry but that along with the crew treating me like a stalking criminal made me feel bad. But I never ever said I didn't appreciate being on stage, that's so ridicilous that you would assume that, I've been a huge fan of Mika since he first started out and this experience along with the Copenhagen one was like a dream come true.

  10. I've been busy all the weekend, so I didn't have time to write my report as a member of the Polka Dot Choir, but now.. HERE WE GO! :thumb_yello:

    As I said I was in the choir (second time), but I queued from the morning to stay with some friends. Anyway, at 4 PM the other choir members and me met at the back entrance and we came in, where we met the staff (they're really really nice people), we signed some stuff and went to our dressing room. We chatted a little bit just to get to know each other (and I wanna thank everyone in the choir, I'm happy to had the opportunity to meet you :wub2:).

    Then Tim, Max, Joy and Curtis came to our room to teach us the songs, that was really funny, because Max is always joking and you can see how they are genuinely happy to work together.

    After that they told us to wait for Mika to come to the soundcheck, so we tried some songs together. After a while we heard Mika's voice, and we went to watch the soundcheck, they tried popular A LOT and then Mika saw us and told us to come on the stage. He asked where we were from, he remembered I was in the choir before, and we started singing two songs, Everything was really relaxed, and that's the moment I enjoyed most of that night! They tried some other songs, he talked to Melachi from the stage, he ate, and drunk some tea, and he chatted with us from one song and the other; I have really lovely memories of this moment. :blush-anim-cl: Then we came back to our room and Yasmine came to take us to the wardrobe to take our dresses; here there was Mel (so sweet), and Mika, who spoke a little bit with me and another guy about Mel.:teehee: At 8.15 PM we were called to go backstage to do some reharsal with Mika and the band, so so funny and emotional: we did some strange noises with our voice, we stretched our legs and we jumped strongly, then we sang celebrate and he nominated me leader of the group because he loved how I was moving during the song, and he told everybody to follow me during the gig.:teehee: After that he wished us "Good luck!" in our language, told us to have fun, and not to think of anything else, because it doesn't care if we did something wrong If we were having fun, and then he went on stage!

    The gig went pretty well, even if I know we were not the best choir, but I had so much fun dancing like crazy! :naughty:

    After the gig we met him and we took our pics quickly because he had a lot of other m&g, and we left, happy and feeling like we were in a dream!

    I can never thank enough Team Mika to give us these wonderful opportunities, I will never forget anything!


    I'm so happy for you :wub2:

    It's so bizarre how differently this choir was treated compared to the Manchester one the next day. We never got to watch Mika rehearse/or souncheck with him. And afterwards, no one came to get us and Mika just left :blink: I really would like an explanation from someone, and a geniune one.

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