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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. Well, I don't think we were tricked but avoided on purpose, but I'm not really angry with Mika's team, I'm mostly upset with the people who worked at the Ritz. They just made me feel so bad, I had to kind of push myself to smile and have a great time on stage. If it wasn't for the other choirmembers being so nice and happy, I would've probably cried or left the venue because the crew made me feel so upset and insulted. :(

  2. Love the photos Lara:wink2:


    I know you feel really sad that we didn't see him after, and i know it can make a difference to the experience and the night for us, but i can't feel bad about it -- that's just me and i want to explain why a bit more as i know people keep saying how sad it was.


    Of course it was disappointing - who wouldn't be as it is more or less pretty standard procedure BUT there were quite clear reasons as far as i'm concerned and i certainly don't think it was that he didn't want to meet us Per se.


    I think one of the main reasons was the fact Alex wasn't there TBH

    She is key to these thing and i know if she'd been there she would of looked after us at the end and made sure we at least got a quick pic - as in London as luvin mika 4 eva repsorts in the London thread - she organises and liases a lot of this - as she had done with us by email all day re the meeting at the venue at night. At least i would have been asking her anyway!

    The room we were in was in an odd place - we were kind of hidden away and TBH when i suggested that we move out - everyone said we should stay there and wait for him to come to us! I think a big mistake TBH! We needed to be much more visible and proactive ( i know form previous exp in Sheffield 2010 when we nearly got herded out after being on stage)!!

    Even the guy who was showing us up and down the steps said we should have come round, and if we thought we should have stayed in that room on our own - we were the first lot of fans ever to do so?!:doh:

    These UK dates have been difficult for him i think and the fact he was not doing Glasgow the next night as planned was a source of disappointment to him ( well i know it was after i spoke to him in London) maybe this also had a bearing as many people feel these 2 UK dates have been more rushed and difficult for him ....I dunno but i honestly believe it was a set of circumstances that meant we just didn't see him after THIS time - but it was just that and not a concious on Mika's part - oh i don't want to meet this choir!

    Well i certianly got very posotive feelings and vibes form him on stage - as we all did i think, and he interacted with us very well:wink2:

    I think we expect so much now and let's face it most of us in the choir all have met him before - several times - had nice moments with him - been treated very well by him and been offered things above and beyond what any fan should normally expect....

    The whole experience of being on stage and for me, rehearsing with the band etc was a wonderful experience that many fans never get - Mika - or not.

    We are very lucky he cares so much about us and wants us to be part of his shows - which he really does.

    Anyway - i know it is hard sometimes to feel a sadness but i just can't because i see rational reasons why things happen sometimes - also lastly - when we mentioned it to tour manager :wink2: he gave us an apology - which seemed genuine - explained some of the reasons and gave us a plan of action - so what more can we really ask for?:wink2:


    I still get the feeling that they did this on purpose. Mika wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, the fans outside told us that as well. Like Karin said, I'm starting to believe he didn't want to meet us. I get the feeling he doesn't enjoy meeting fans after gigs much anymore, which could be one of the reasons it took him so long to come out after the Roundhouse show.

    We can all speculate about this, but I think there's something going on in his life that makes him want to take a long break from all of this...

  3. Thanks for the video, Lara :original:


    I like this version of the song. But what I don't like is that he reads nearly the whole lyrics from the sheet of paper. As this concert is mostly for the radio it's not that important, the listeners won't know it :wink2: But towards the crowd in the church it seems a little bit unprofessional and unprepared (MFCers probably will tend to think it's cute, I don't exclude myself, but normal people will rather not...). It's not that the lyrics are there for safety and he inconspicuous looks at them from time to time like with "Toy Boy" or "She tells me", here he reads most of the lines from the sheet.


    Yeah we thought it was funny because sometimes he would look at the sheet eventhough it was obvious which lyrics he was supposed to sing lol

  4. A nice review which mentions the choir




    I don't think it's fallen apart - actually - i think we made every effort to be professional - but as Tim told us - it is meant to be fun and enjoyable and Mika wants us to be this way and relaxed ---:wink2:


    Yeah that's the way I see it too, I mean it's a Mika concert :D It felt appropriate to dance like a lunatic and party with the crowd :D

  5. And hi Tineke! Was so fun and surprising that we bumped into eachother today on the train! Thanks for keeping me company and I'n so happy you got home alright, was worried you'd miss your flight.

    Guess what? My London flight back to Sweden was cancelled so I'm stuck at Heathrow in a hotel until another flight departs to Gothenburg tomorrow, it's crazy lol

    Was very nice meeting you and all of the choirmembers, I had loads of fun with all of you, you were supersweet!

    And thanks for asking about my scarf! I forgot my knitted dress there too but it's ok.

  6. Sorry to hear that... when contact to backstage ppl as a fan, we sometimes should take that kind of rudeness from them.... :huh: I used to talk to backstage ppl as a fan rep, whenever doing that I pretend to be cool and extreamly professional someone... never try to cross their line ...... even never mention Mika's name and pretend I never interested in any of Mika things :mf_rosetinted: I'm good at doing that :aah:

    or those ppl are on guard and I know that make me feel bad so.... :doh:

    Please understand them... from their experience they might know that around a popstar there must be quite a few crazy psychos trying to sneak into backstage...


    I didn't even speak to the crew members and they even grabbed me and held me in place whilst calling other crewmembers to check if I had any business being there eventhough I showed them my pass.

  7. I don't really feel bad about them forgetting about us that much actually, but they just made me feel like we weren't worth the respect of being told what was going on, just sitting there in our hallway waiting :(

    I had an awesome time onstage, I mean the show was really unique and amazing, so I feel great about that. :)

    I just demand respect from all people no matter who they are when I'm giving it back...

    Especially since team Mika knew we were waiting there.

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