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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. I was in the choir with some of our lovely MFCers and the show itself was incredibly fun but I just have to get something off my chest;

    Before the show, we had a great rehearsal with the band, which went great, then we took a break before showtime and I just have to say that, the crew members at this gig treated us like we weren't even allowed to be there and some of them were really rude to us on a regular basis before and during the show. I was on the Copenhagen choir in October and this experience was the complete opposite of that.

    The rehearsal with the band and the show itself was a wonderful experience but we were all extremely disappointed that no one in Mika's team let us know after the show that Mika wouldn't have time for a meet n greet. I'm not a spoiled fan but I felt like an idiot, waiting with the other choirmembers in our hallway, just waiting for someone to let us know what was going on, with a giant bouquet of flowers which I was planning to give to him.

    So I have mixed feelings really :( I feel happy about the show itself; It was a whole lot of fun and Mika was awesome and the audience rocked!

    It's just sad that we were treated like we didn't even matter backstage though. They even put a giant chain lock on our door so we couldn't "sneak into" Mika's dressingroom; It was just ridicilous; And I don't blame Mika's team for this because it could've been the Ritz people who caused this silly and rude nonsense, I don't know, I'm just shocked that Mika would treat his fans like this; He must be feeling really stressed out and exhausted 'cause it just didn't make any sense whatsover that no one gave a damn about us, appart from the band and the assistant who brought us our robes.

    I had a lot of fun on stage though, I think we all did :)

    I just feel sad and happy at the same time and we deserved to be treated way better than that. Sorry for any typos, it's 4:30 here in Manchester and I'm really exhausted.

    But please don't assume I didn't appreciate the experience; It was one of the most awesome moments of my life being on stage and throwing my bag of confetti all over the place lol

  2. It was a great show but felt brief (maybe that's just my impression though).

    He rehearsed Tah Dah but never performed it unfortunately.

    And I finally got to see him perform one of my favorites Toy Boy! I almost cried, it was beautiful.

    Some fans thought he looked tired but I thought he looked strong and energetic. He was smiling a lot and said that he was having a great time and enjoyed the audience. However, his voice cracked a few times and it's obvious that he's still having problems with his throat.

    After the show, he and Melachi greeted the fans.

    I took amazing photos and videos and got to give Mika another giant bottle during Love You When I'm Drunk lol! He said "Skål!" before he performed it which means cheers in swedish :D Now I'm off to Manchester, hoping that he'll perform Overrated!

  3. I'm up waiting for an announcement that tonight is cancelled. Not quite how I'd expected to feel today!


    I wanted to be buzzing with excitement that we've gotten into the choir and all set to get to the venue.


    Now I'm just apprehensive.:blink:


    Mellody said he was really quiet and seemed in a 'bad mood' last night which doesn't fill me with hope for tonight.


    Although I'd be really sad not to see him tonight I really think it'd be for the best all round if he cancelled and re-scheduled early next year.


    I wouldn't worry about it, I thought he was in a good mood actually, smiling a lot and stuff. His throat is still sore but he was full of energy last night, even if he had to be. But don't worry, I'm sure he's not cancelling tonight's show. :)

    Btw did you get into the choir? I haven't recieved a no or yes yet at all.

  4. Sadly it seems we all agree: Mika or whoever that takes care of his career doesnt give a damn about anything. If its not Mika and Mika needs help he f*cking now we are here and we can get organised and tweet ffs!! But we cant tweet or start doing ANYTHING if Mika himself just disappears in a corporate gig the same day his single should be released... I dont get a thing.


    Does Mika need someone to help him? Is Mika happy with how thi ngs are doing?


    That's what I've been wondering too. Has anyone ever asked him about how he feels about this? If not, could somebody please ask him if you get a chance to talk to him? In a polite way of course :teehee:

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