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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. That's not Photoshop it's green screen. And that's why I expected this video was going to be craptastic. :fisch:


    Yeah but the horrible looking edges make it look so fake :aah: But I guess it's still in the making of process at this point. The concept of the video seems sort of dark since apparently he's left to drown in the ocean but yeah lets see how this one turns out...

  2. Hej & Välkommen från ett Göteborgsfan! :D

    Hoppas du kommer trivas här och jag håller tummarna att Mika kommer till Sverige snart också. Har försökt att pusha honom att vi älskar honom här hehe

  3. I read about mika's show in a danish magazine.

    It got 4 out of 5 stars.

    And the writer really liked the danish polka dot choir!

    And i was like: heeey not all were danish! :sneaky2:

    He should have given some credit to sweden and norway too! Anyway how should he know!

    Would just say that i've read it! ;) and he liked the clothes... Lol


    Cool!! All the reviews I've read have been so positive. It was an insanely energetic show, loved it!!

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