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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. That's what i said! It was just not all there worked out that well as they did backstage:bleh:

    And when you all went down on your knees i was always like "**** awkward. I'm the only one up" :aah: i was busy flirting with nina and kata:mf_rosetinted:


    Lol! Kind of like when I couldn't get up and everyone else did because I was standing on my robe then slipped :aah:

  2. I uploaded some of the concert photos I managed to take here:


    Not the greatest but we weren't that close and had to leave quickly and can I just say that the blue light in his shows always ruin my photos? :sneaky2:


    Edit: Here's a link to my Flickr set of the photos as well :)


  3. Ok I'm writing on my crappy iphone now but I just wanted to write a quick review about this extremely interesting evening.

    First of all, wonderful people in the choir and cue outside, never spent a day with so many sweet and wonderful people before, thank you so much to All of you! And it was so lovely to see Nina again!

    Anyway, sloppy and messy review here, sorry;

    We were let inside at 3 pm and got to our quite small dressingroom at Vega, it was Right next to Mika and the band's room.

    After a while of chit chatting, Tim rehearsed some songs with us and the other band members were there too, all very friendly people.

    It was really laid back; That was until Mika showed up and things got awkward and tense XD I guess most of us were kind of nervous and shy because when Mika asked us; "How did your rehearsal go?" in a somewhat rude tone, everyone went silent and the tension was ridicilously high. Mika could feel that I'm sure 'cause later on he surprised us at our room and asked us if we were afraid and that we shouldn't be afraid of him, then he growled at us like a tiger LOL!!! I don't think we were afraid, just nervous I guess. Things were laid back at soundcheck though, we had a lot of fun.

    Anyway: The soundcheck: Mika asked me to lead the group (disaster!!!) and basically I confused the hell out of all the choirmembers; I am so sorry you guys I tried my best to be creative with those moves XD

    Also, I could hardly hear myself singing both at the soundcheck and at the show :/ However, the others said they heard themselves so I don't know, maybe I just have bad hearing...

    After soundcheck we got a break until showtime and I managed to suggest a prop idea to Mika that would be perfect for Love You When I'm Drunk :D

    I had gotten him a giant wine bottle made out of paper that he suggested I throw to him to catch during the song. So funny!! Loved it so much, it was so random and silly, perfect for that song!

    Ok, Moving on to showtime, and again please excuse my sloppy review.

    We went on and off stage in between songs, not even watching the show, however, they let us watch the first four songs of the concert in the audience before we had to go on stage which luckily meant I could take some photos, but they turned out pretty meh.

    During the show, it was insane! So much energy from the crowd and the choir. It was amazing and bizarre being on stage, getting a completely different perspective of his shows. And I was totally partying with Nina between the front row and stage, it was so much fun!

    And now for my shameful confession; I fell not once but TWICE on stage (blame it on the long robe) AND I was late on stage for two songs! I don't ever want to be on stage ever again XD It's tough dancing like a lunatic in a too long robe and manage to make it out of it alive lol!

    Again I apologize to my fellow choirmembers!

    Time just flew by and before we knew it the show was over.

    Afterwards, Mika took a group photo with us and thanked us (I'll share the photos tomorrow) and I gave Mika some very strange gifts lol one which he refused to accept, some really cool hypnotizing sunglasses, which he thought made him look crazy; I replied "But lookin' crazy is awesome!" anyway I don't care; I'll just keep them for myself, his loss lol

    I also made him a custom made tee with some characters that I draw which he loved actually. And some other crazy stuff etc etc

    Basically I was santa claus, got him like 4 different gifts.

    And then he thanked us all and people started leaving. As I said I will upload my photos tomorrow, I can attach them to this (messy) review.

    In closing, it was an awesome day but a part of me felt like I had no business being there, I feel at home in the audience with my camera but it was an amazing experience. I thanked Mika again as he left and he said (lied lol) that I was great (riiiight lol) because I felt discomforted that he might've thought I felt unappreciative of the wonderful opportunity i had been given.


    My pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/laramay/sets/72157631891434413/with/8140164660/


    Edit: Looking at the vids from the show, we were pretty damn awesome and mad! lol





    Two of the gifts I had made for Mika, TOOL keychain & a t-shirt with some characters I draw in my spare time:



    The collectible MJ doll from the 90s I got for Mika


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