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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. You could ask but personally I would probably forget about it. You're there to do a job and if you can't take pics backstage then I'm thinking your camera is going to be put away and you're going to be "on call" during the whole show. As one of the other girls mentioned Mika changes the setlist and can bring the choir out for songs that were not planned at the last minute, etc.


    I would recommend to everyone to just forget about being a fan for one night and enjoy the experience for what it is. But in any case make sure you ask permission before they see you with a camera. People were taking pics of the crew unloading the set in NYC and they asked that the pics not be published until after the show. We weren't even allowed to talk about the set in 2009 muchless take pics of it.


    So it would be ok you think if I'd put my camera and my stuff away for the rehearsals and the show, and then use it after the show in case Mika would feel like taking photos? I'm probably overanalyzing this :aah:

    The only problem is that my throat is beginning to feel sore, damn this freezing Swedish fall!

  2. i guess it's only people in Denmark there can see it. so from mika's FB:


    "Til alle Mikas fantastiske danske fans! Vi glæder os over, at koncerten mandag d. 29. oktober i Store VEGA i København, er så tæt på nu. Har I købt jeres billetter endnu? Hvis ikke, så kan I købe dem her: http://www.billetlugen.dk/musik/25977/mika/


    UNIK KONKURRENCE - fans, der har købt deres billetter gennem dette link - fra den dag de kom i salg indtil mandag d. 29. oktober kl. 9 lokal tid - vil automatisk være med i en konkurrence, hvor man kan møde MIKA...! 2 heldige vindere vil blive valgt og de kan hver især medbringe én ven (Vennen skal have sin egen billet til koncerten). Du behøver ikke at gøre noget ekstra. Vi sender dig en e-mail mandag morgen, hvis du har vundet! Sørg for at købe billetterne, så du kan få chancen for at møde manden selv. Vi ses til koncerten…


    69757_10151134290803040_1533142399_n.jpg "


    i translated lol


    "To all the wonderful danish fans - We're excited to see you in Vega monday the 29. oct - it's soon - have you bought your ticket yet? if not by it here http://www.billetlugen.dk/musik/25977/mika/


    Specail competition - fans there bought their ticket via that link, will automaticly be in the competition about winning a special meeting with Mika. 2 lucky people will get chosen, and they can each bring a friend. We will send you a email monday morning if you won. you dont need to do anything extra. remember to buy your ticket.


    See you"




    wiiiiiiieeee i wanna win lol


    Didn't everybody buy their tickets to this show via that link :blink: I did a long time ago but strange competition... What if someone who wins just wants to see the show and not meet Mika? Lol!

  3. Good luck!


    No matter what Hippie says this is a better experience for the people chosen than having to stumble around blindly on stage with a huge mask on your head. :naughty:


    In NYC the choir seemed like they were really a part of the show. They were posing for pics for fans and hanging out in the VIP area, etc.


    Thanks! I really hope I do get chosen. It seems like it would be so much fun! The only downside would be that I wouldn't get a chance to take as many photos and films as I usually enjoy taking if I get picked. Either way it'll be ok. :)

  4. What a lovely action, like it!


    But now I have that song stuck in my head again: Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs... :aah:




    Bananas i PJs should dance with Mika on stage for this tour lol

  5. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

    On way to Fonda in LA to rehearse with the polka dot choir. Last two days of filming were tough!! Special effects shoots are completely diff


    Now I feel confident that the video will be awesome because if Mika thought it felt like a tough shoot then something great must come out of this. Like Happy Ending for example :)

  6. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds




    Anyone else think he doesn't look human here? That's cool though


    ☞Yoon Ji In☜ ‏@Yoon_Grace

    @mikasounds You're on the boat to search the origin of love ;)


    47m MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

    @Yoon_Grace not quite but close. The clue is the bag of light!


    Bag of whatnow??

  7. i believe it of the dogs, but... you have a persian cat that would voluntarily jump into a pool?! :blink::shocked:




    :naughty: it looks to me like he did get stranded somewhere and this was a little nutshell he built to get away from the island... or maybe there isn't an island at all but it's the rescue boat from the ship he was on? :dunno: anyway he looks like he was stranded already. :naughty:


    Yeah he does you're right! Hope that's what the concept will be and that there even is a concept lol

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