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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. No lie, I saw a dead on ringer for Mika today at work. I did a huge doubletake, he looked like Mika on his very best day looking very Lebanese. I even asked him if he knew of Mika and told him he looked like him and the guy said he's been told that before. I wish I could of taken his photo! I was tempted to try lol! He works on a show at a dinner theatre nearby. If I can ever get a photo from somewhere I'll show it. You guys won't believe it.


    We might get freaked out :naughty:





    MAKING OF: https://vimeo.com/64169748



    Thought it'd be practical to have a seperate thread for this, the video looks like it's going to be stunning



    Concept (according to Mika): He goes out into the ocean on a boat, running away from a burning world. He's got the last piece of light that's left in the world, in a bag. He gets thrown overboard in a storm and some underwater freaks steal (after freaking him out?) his light and leave him tied up and left for dead on the bottom of the oceanfloor.

    We'll see...









    from Mika's Instagram



    unknown source


    @itgirlforever: @NorrisXThrash styling British singer, #MIKA for his upcoming music video "Underwater"


    Ashamed to admit that I'm still not sure whether this is Mika or not lol

    (edit: probably not lol and I need glasses, but admit it; He does have similar facial features as Mika)


    MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

    Wetsuit anyone? Day 1 on set of Underwater Video in LA



    Maxi ‏@maximaximaxi

    My music video shoot with #Mika is very conceptual..a visual extravaganza #makeup


    4h Maxi ‏@maximaximaxi

    On music video shoot with #Mika ..will post pics soon


    This lovely girl promised me she would post photos from the shoot soon :wub2:


    Quentin Thrash ‏@Stayfly_Thrash

    On set! #StrappedUpShawty lol @NORRISxTHRASH



    Maxi ‏@maximaximaxi

    Who knew #Mika was a #vampire??? http://yfrog.com/kjeyhzuj



    MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

    Shoe styling





  3. Can I hide in your corner too? :mf_rosetinted:


    Yeah :naughty: But seriously, why did that person say that it was him getting styled if it wasn't him?? Lol this is confusing :aah: Here's another twitter person who's been working on the set:


    Maxi ‏@maximaximaxi

    My music video shoot with #Mika is very conceptual..a visual extravaganza #makeup


    3h Maxi ‏@maximaximaxi

    On music video shoot with #Mika ..will post pics soon


  4. First pics from the set! :boing:


    @norris_la: @norrisxthrash #behindthescene #MIKA "underwater" single



    Same, but different cut

    @itgirlforever: @NorrisXThrash styling British singer, #MIKA for his upcoming music video "Underwater"



    That's Mika???? No way OMG Am I blind? lol I sure hope it is him

  5. He mentioned something about this last night. Said it was being filmed in Woodland Hills and something about half under water and above water. Hopefully someone remembers better than me as I was a bit distracted and not listening properly. :naughty:


    Interesting! And nerve wracking :aah: Please dear god don't let it suck bad lol

    Yes please, if there's any more info then tell us :wub2:

    Hope he'll be in this one and that it'll be good or I might just not be that much of a hard core Mika fan anymore. :teehee: Music videos have to be awesome in my opinion and he hasn't impressed me with his latest ones from this album :(

  6. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

    I actually like this one!


    MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

    On my way to the airport for a flight to LA. shooting video for Underwater for the next 2 days. V excited about shooting this vid.


    So nervous about how this video will turn out because I love the song so much and think it deserves the coolest music video ever :aah: Biting my fingernails and praying that it won't disappoint.

  7. Ok im at the airport now so i'll wrige my report:

    I had to wake up at 4 am to fly to Chicago from Miami. I arrived at the venue around 11 am and there were already like 8 people. I got to meet some mfc friends like Christine and the Meyer twins, also other frinds fron twitter. waiting wasnt that bad as time went by quickly but it was freezing cold! They let us in the thetre some minutes past 6:30. I got an amazing spot at front row at the centre. The Dolls were really good!I was so excited i started to cry desesperately once Mika walked onstage and during blue eyes i fetched him a peruvian hat and he wore it as he sang Billy Brown! He even winked at me from the pian after puting it on! I couldnt beleive it! There was a lot of eye contact, far more than what my poor heart can stand lol. Then my friend @msMIKAPTVlover from twitter had made this poster that said "we ship Mika and Curtis they are our OTP" she was at second row so she gave it to me to show it to Mika. I holded it up when he was flirting with curtis and at first Tim saw it and started laughing, so i made a heart with my hands over Mika and Curtis flirting and he was like "yeah in know!" then Mika noticed what Tim was looking at and he came to me to take it! He didnt had any idea of what an OTP as and he thought it was something dirty hehe. So he came to us and kneeled down to talk and we tried to explain it to him but he didnt got it! Then i shouted " we know theres love" and he was like " shame on you!" and dedicated celebrate to "MURTIS". Then during celebrate i noticed Tim was looking at me so i stuck out my tongue and did other funny faces and he copied them! It was so funny! Oh and he dedicated the origin of Love to someone but i cant remember the name! The concert was fully amazing Mika was sooooo happy and full of energy! He blew my mind! Then after the gig we waited at the artists entrance fir him, there as a lot of people waiting so everyone thought he wasnt coming out but he did! He gave everyone an autograph and even signed a guys boxers :naughty: Then when it was my turn i told him i came all the way from Peru to see him and he told me he loved the hat ! I gave him other presents and he loved them, i asked for a picture but he wasnt allowed and he said " sorry i cant do it not even for my peruvian fan":teehee: he told me i was the first peruvian to fly to one of his concerts! He signed my disc i was so happy and after he was gone i started crying so so much :teehee: christine came to make sure i was ok and that they were happiness tears :blush-anim-cl: it was for sure the best day of my life wont ever forget it!


    Aww sounds like you had an awesome time :wub2:

    Lol at Mika shaming you naughty girls :naughty:

    That hat is really cool! Looked great on him.

    Oh and did he perform Overrated yet?

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