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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. aaah do you have problems too? :aah: on some websites it tells me you have to instal Windows Media Player though i have it! but i dunno how to update...


    I'm only having issues with this website, I can't even get the front page to work because of the flash update. Have you tried to download/install Silverlight player? That worked for me when websites wouldn't play WMV files online.

  2. i need help! i don't know what's wrong with my computer. when i want to stream channels live or watch videos from some websites( except YT and vimeo) i only hear the sound and can't see anything. :sneaky2: i don't know if it's because my flash player is not working well , what do you think? what can i do?? :blink:


    Maybe try different browsers and update your flash player to the latest version?

  3. Mika has very long answers. We spoke about the short film he did for the origin of love. How he decided to do it with a small budget and go a very deep way about it. I got the feeling he wants to sure a more mature side to his music.


    He came in with who I think was his boyfriend. Good looking dude. We we're in the sanderson hotel and the first thing mika said was ' ahhh so many crazy nights here with amy winehouse ' so I thought, he might just be the type of celeb who names drop. But he was so down to earth and intelligent. Far away from any gimmicky songs he may have.


    Also, I didn't want to just discuss things you already know about him which is why I add those random questions at the end.


    Oh and well spotted, one the arm rests on the chair was actually broken. So he may of seemed a bit awkward.


    I will see what I can do about the full interview. Management might not like certain parts on youtube


    Oh no, now you got us all curious :aah: We don't know who he is. Thank you for sharing your interviewing experience with us, it's really interesting and insightful. And we appreciate you trying to get the full interview on YT, very generous of you to make that effort for the fans.

  4. Hey Guys,


    Thanks so much for the feedback and positive or negative comments. Mika was so down to earth and articulate. We spoke for about 30 minutes so it was tough to cut it down to just 5 mins.


    Any questions you guys have about him?



    David Shellim


    Thank you so much for sharing this interview with the fans, it's a lot more entertaining than other promo interviews he usually does. :thumb_yello: Any chance of an uncut version of the interview?

  5. My review. I probably need to listen a few more times to it to form complete opinions about the songs, but here goes for now:


    Origin Of Love

    I love the joy of this song, it really brings you up and is the perfect pop song. I adore the message of the song, about tolerance and love regardless of a person's sexual orientation. Some fans have said it's a bit blasphemous but I like that controversial side of the song because someone has to put that into song and who's more appropriate to do that than the bold and fierce Mika?

    I also like the less is more approach that he took musically on this song, since I think it highlighted the message of the song's lyrics. And from the first time I heard that latin, god like part, I've been madly in love with it.



    Again, the perfect pop song. Very catchy, very joyful and beautifully layered vocal harmonies. His piano playing sounds really pretty in this one.



    The only complaint I have personally about Stardust is the vocal melodies and tempo in the choruses, all except the last one which I thought sounded catchy with those nice drumbeats. The verses are gorgeously addictive though. Personally, I find it somewhat painful to listen to the lyrics though since I too have suffered from unrequited love and for some reason it makes me feel uncomfortable that Mika sounds so joyful when he's begging for this guy to appreciate how badly he wants to be with him because he should sound depressed and heartbroken about this unrequited love in my opinion, but this is Mika we're talking about and it's kind of his thing to sound joyful when he's singing dark and sad lyrics.


    Make You Happy

    When I heard this for the first time I didn't know how I felt about it. I guess I thought it was okay but it didn't excite me the way that Mika's tunes usually had. At first I hated the robotic voice but I actually think it's really cool now since it creates an illusion of Mika singing to a robot or whatever it is, some spacelike creature perhaps, I don't know. It's trippy though, so I like it.

    I have to admit I skip it nowadays though and I don't appreciate it live, sorry Mika, but from a songwriter's point of view, I can understand why he feels proud of it because it has beautiful melodies and is a really sophisticated song, arrangement wise.



    Oh, Underwater, how I adore thie! I fell in love with this song from the first moment I heard him perform it live last year. That piano melody melts my soul it's so hauntingly beautiful. That concept of breathing underwater with the assistance of a kiss is so creative to be put in a song. Mika, you songwriting genius you. I hope he releases this as a single and that it gets the recognition it deserves because it sounded like a hit from the first moment I heard it. It's perfection and sends shivers down my spine. To hear the studio version of this blew my mind. I love how the choruses build up into a musical climax and that high note he sings in the ending is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard in my life.



    One of my favorites on the album, it completely blew my mind. I could hear right away that it was a Klas Åhlund production since I'm a huge fan of Robyn's Body Talk albums and Teddybears Stlm. I don't compare this to the demo version of Overrated because they're so extremely different from eachother. I adore the demo version and always have but this is a completely different song in so many ways. I hope that fans don't give it up because of their disappointment and attachment to the demo version because this song really deserves to be appreciated. I'm madly in love with the honest and dark lyrics of this song. It takes a lot of guts to sing about wanting to give up on life and I'm so proud to be a fan of Mika's when he's brave and bold enough to put his heart on his sleeve like this and pour it out for everyone to hear. The combination of a catchy electro dance tune with depressing lyrics send me over the edge and touch me deeply, I absolutely love it and can't wait to see/hear him perform it live. Wow. I'd better get ready to have my mind blown into a million pieces lol.



    I wasn't fond of this one when I heard the live version but I really appreciated the studio and acoustic versions of it and it's really growing on me. I like the guitar riffs/melodies but that's about it.


    Love You When I'm Drunk

    Oh, Love you when I'm drunk is pure brilliance! And not just because of the deliciously hilarious concept of the lyrics but it sounds absolutely madly layered, which I love. I actually feel kind of drunk when I'm listening to it. This is why I'm a Mika fan: Because he writes songs that you wish you would've written. Songs about Lollipops, Big Girls and Toy Boys. Songs that are so creative and insane that it almost sounds as if a thousand different people worked on it if that makes any sense. I'm grateful that he kept this one for the album and hope that he will continue to blow my mind by sharing his wonderfully crazy ideas through songs.


    Step With Me

    I wish I liked it but for some reason it sounds too cheesy to me. Maybe it's because I'm so unlucky in love, I don't know. And for some reason this song reminds me of the Lion King soundtrack. I know, it doesn't make sense, does it? I like the chorus though.


    Popular Song

    I really like this one but I had gotten all excited when I had heard from fans that he rapped on it because I thought we would finally hear a hardcore gangsta rap from the joyful Mika. Instead he sounds like my friend when he raps on my songs: Silly and dorky, but I guess that's kind of cute. The next time you rap, Mika, I want you to let it all out ok? Don't be shy, I won't be offended , I promise. Other than that, I really think it's an excellent pop song.



    Yay! Finally an english version of one of my favorite Mika songs which I never get tired of listening to. Makes me feel so happy listening to both the french version and this one. Thank you, Mika, that's all I've got to say.



    Replace this one with Tah Dah please, it bores me and shouldn't had been on the album in my opinion. I tried to like it but it's impossible.



    I know many of you hate Pharrell's parts in this song but I'm a Pharrell fan so I automatically adored his parts, eventhough I think he could've done a million times better job with his lyrics. I'm impressed that Mika, if that's the story, convinced Pharrell to actually sing his pretty voice for a few seconds and not just talk/rap. Pharrell; Please don't rap because you stink at it and have nothing important to say. You have a pretty voice, use it more often. The tune is really catchy and summery and I adore it still to this day. Really gives me retro and 90s eurodance vibes. Don't get me started on the music video though lol


    Tah Dah

    Bonus track, I know, but I want to review it because I adore it. I'm a huge fan of 80s music and this blew my little 80s fangirl mind. Finally I get to hear a Mika song in my favorite genre. I think this style really suits his singing techniques. I find it so hard to believe that Pharrell worked with Mika on this because it sounds nothing like anything they've ever done before. Both of them are incredibly versatile song writers but I'm amazed that they wrote this together (with Jody Marr?). I would love to hear more about the recording process of this song. Wonderful. Perfect. Get 80s Bowie vibes from this too for some reason. Anyway, I adore it, thank you for sharing this as a bonus track, Mika, so we could hear it. Should've been on the album though.


    So, in closing, I'm pretty satisfied with most of what this album gave us and it was worth the wait for sure. I'm impressed that the album has so many different genres and eras of music to offer. I wish Mika would give out an album every single year because I think he's one of the most creative song writers on the planet.

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