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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. 2 other things - what do you suppose Jimenez meant by he hopes mika fans can imagine a broader world? is he implying we're narrow minded?:mf_rosetinted:


    How dare he?! Lol! Now I hate this video even more. If I want to check out awesome "arty" movies I'll look elsewhere, thank you. And when I watch a Mika video I want Mika to be in it. :doh: Anyway, I'll stop complaining now... By the way, I know it's not official but I still can't stand these short films. Ok, now I'll stop, sorry...

  2. I Really dont like that video at All >.<


    Same here, I think I'll follow Christine's advice and just never watch it again after watching it once 'cause it bugs me that a lot of people will think that these short films are actual official music videos. But I'm happy we can finally hear/have this version of the song, adore it! Can you hear that it's the one he performed at Nibe? :wub2:

  3. Hmmm the short film project was posted to Mika's Facebook but now it's gone (for me at least) for some reason, here's a direct link to the clip:



    Personally, I'm not digging these short films at all, they bore the heck out of me and mess up my own vision of what I'd like the music videos to look like...

  4. Good luck to you. I hope everything turns out great :)


    I don't think it's wrong to go there just because it's meant for gay and regular members. It's not like a lot of hardcore Mika fans are going to show up so a few won't do any harm + then we'll get a decent report too :naughty:


    Thanks, I won't mind trying 'cause for once it's not on a work day (well, full work day) and I love to take walks in London so why not :) And 'cause I'm up for the challenge (if there even turns out to be much of it). Besides, I love Heaven :wub2: (and Mika)

  5. lol, well in one beer tent they play it maybe twice in one evening, so it's not a big difference to songs that are constantly played on the radio. :teehee: actually it's fun cause the more often you hear it, the more you know the lyrics and/or the dance routine and you sing along at the top of your voice. :naughty: at first you might be irritated, but at some point you just go with the flow and start humming the song to yourself even if you don't want to. :teehee: being drunk might help of course. :teehee:


    i'd say that love you when i'm drunk fits to the oktoberfest in more than one way! :lmfao:


    this year's oktoberfest starts saturday next week, so if you wanna come visit me, feel free to do so. :naughty:


    I wish I could 'cause it sounds so much fun! :aah: Must go to it at least once in my life.

  6. No he isn't LMAO if he was a contestant he'd have no time for anything else. The celebs spend all week learning the steps, then dance on the Saturday night.

    The dancers are ppl who are trying to re-start careers or become more famous

    Mika will be a guest performer! It will be awesome!!!!!


    Everyone's going to watch his "dance moves" then :teehee: lets hope he won't get judged but I think Mika's the greatest dancer in the world (post MJ) :naughty:

  7. :naughty: they should play it on the oktoberfest. it could become a "wies'n hit". :naughty: (there's one song every year (sometimes more than one) that is THE song on the oktoberfest for that season, played in every beer tent, sung by the drunks on their way home, sometimes with a special choreography to dance to (for example macarena was one of those hits :teehee:) - that's the "wies'n hit"! :naughty:)


    Wow, really? Doesn't that irritate people, having to hear the same song over and over again? I guess they're too drunk and happy to care? I would love to go to Octoberfest sometime, seems like so much fun!

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