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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. btw, i don't know how long this Q&A thing will go, and how many questions the others who are there have... but just in case, i wanna take a list of questions with me if everyone else is too shy to ask anything... :naughty: so if you have any questions (that won't embarrass me when i'm asking them, lol! :roftl:), let me know, i'll put them on the list. :wink2:

    might be on the radio, so i guess it should preferably be questions that could be interesting to the listeners. :wink2:


    off to bed now, but will have my mobile internet with me tomorrow, to keep you up to date. :biggrin2:


    Ah, that's a great idea! An MFC questions list :thumb_yello:


    You could ask (in case you're running out of questions) if the New Years Eve radio thing is gonna be live or not...:aah:



  2. YESSSSS, I won!!!

    this morning i woke up with a headache, not feeling well at all, but since i got the call from the radio station, headache is gone and i'm jumping around in my flat, squeaking like a pig on drugs, LOL!


    and obviously they have some meet+greet thingie included in this, she told me to bring stuff to sign and think of some questions i want to ask mika.


    oh god, i just feel like :mf_lustslow::fangurl::group_hug::floor::loco::squirrel: now!

    *goes booking train ticket*


    CONGRATS CHICA! :groupwave:


    As I've already told you on the German forums, I'm happy you won! (though I'm sure you would have gone there anyway in the end - even if you didn't win a ticket! :mf_rosetinted::das:)


    Happy for Silke as well! :thumb_yello:


    Sure you'll all represent us well (kanni & graciosa as well if they finally go there of course...)! Fingers crossed that the audience is a bit more into Mika then they were in Baden-Baden! We count on you (yay, putting some pressure on y'all - ha!)


    Ok, so "only" 30 minutes Mika, and then some M&G. Especially the latter part sounds amazing!


    Will the band be there as well? Or is it just a Mika & Martin on guitars acoustic thing?


    Well, if the band happens to be there, would you mind asking Jimmy if he's gonna be in the band for the European tour in spring? :mf_rosetinted::teehee:


    You're gonna have a blast! Looking forwards to your reports, pix and vids! :rock:

  3. Wie ich die deutsche Bahn doch hasse!

    War gerade für eine Strecke, für die ich normalerweise 4 Stunden brauche 8,5 Stunden unterwegs!!! :sneaky2:

    Erst Personanschaden, dann ein schlecht organisierter Schienenersatzverkehr und dann noch eine Stunde Warten in Basel :boxed:


    Hätte heute auch was Besseres zu tun gehabt! :aah:


    Was habt ihr heute so gemacht?

  4. I can see both POVs


    When he goes to a country very rarely, for a concert or tour then I can understand why fans go to see him - it is a rare opportunity for them. It doesn't do Mika any harm - if there are enough people it is part of the "buzz" of him visiting.


    It would be different if every time he went through Heathrow or on Eurotunnel he was pestered by people becasue he does it a lot and usually he is very much "off duty" then and it would be a nuisance.

    Agreed! :thumb_yello:

    Just wanted to write about the same, but since you already wrote it all down perfectly :wink2::wink2:

  5. over the past few weeks i have watched some youtube stuff that slowly got me towards wanting to go to this gig... and today watching the crowd reactions from the sydney show, the we are golden singing and all, thinking that the atmosphere in amsterdam will probably be at least as hot as it was in sydney, i really wanna go now! :aah:


    so ok, sold out... but if anyone has a spare ticket, please let me know... :biggrin2: and if at that time the flights or trains are still cheap enough, i guess i'll be there... :rolls_eyes:


    mellody, you are so predictable! :teehee::naughty::aah::wink2:















    But it's definately great that you're considering coming to this gig!!!! :thumb_yello:

  6. Well, I totally agree with what you said and I must confess I don't understand either what's happening...


    Even in France it's not the same. He still has a big success but it's different... I think people just moved on. I was thinking about that this morning, I'm not sure he'd be able to sold out the Parc des Princes like he did last year... whereas he has 2 albums now to build a big nice setlist... Well, things can change but the first weeks are really important for an album...

    In 2007 and 2008, you couldn't put your radio on without listening to one of Mika's song. It was massive and incredible and various kind of radio played him : pop rock ones of course, but even general ones, the ones for teens, the ones for oldest people... He was played everywhere.

    But now, it's different. WAG was played but not really liked by people. It was played because it was the brand new Mika... But I think Rain is a better hit, and it's not really played on radio. You can hear it, but you have to drive for a long time and change your radio station every 3 minutes...


    look at this : http://www.charly1300.com/euroairplay.htm


    it's the euro airplay : the most played tracks in Europe

    Rain is # 80 on 100 (last week) and he was # 48 the week before :shocked: that's insane especially when it's said Rain was played on radio since 3 weeks...


    On a french music tv chanel, there is a programme where you can vote on internet for your favorites videoclip. He was in the list last week, and not anymore :shocked:


    Is there a boycott or something ?


    Even for the shows. Ok, he still sells. But, in France, none of his gigs is sold out yet... in 2007, for the second Zénith de Paris, it was sold out in half a day... They even have made big adverts in the stations, and metro in Paris for the tour... they didn't have to do that before...

    Maybe things are changing. Look at Shakira, Mariah Carey, Beyonce... their album didn't really top the charts... Even for Robbie. He was #2 in France last week, he's now # 9...


    Well, wait and see...


    I completely agree with you, Deb! I can't really see the reason why TBWKTM isn't selling well. It's just really encouraging.

    TBH I'm really worried about the Germany gigs...hope they will all sell out by March!

    I really hope for another single to become a massive hit (which has to be Toches you IMO) - so that the album numbers will climb again...

  7. Hey!


    Hab den Film leider noch nicht gesehen, er steht aber schon seit einer Weile auf meiner imaginären Wunschliste...:wink2:


    War heute bis um 8 an der Uni und bin jetzt tot...Schon immer wieder krass, wie sehr einen ein solcher Tag anstrengt!


    Naja, immwehin hab ich morgen und am Montag ausnahmsweise mal frei, da lohnt es sich richtig, dass ich nach Hause fahre. :thumb_yello:


    Was habt ihr am Wochenende vor?

  8. cool! :woot_jump: i hadn't even seen him on the pic until you mentioned! sir fluffington! :wub2:


    I need photographic proof of this!:mf_rosetinted:


    Oh, it's okay, I saw the pic.

    Saw it earlier, and didn't notice him, wasn't expecting him to be there, so wasn't looking:naughty:

    Ahhh, not looking so fluffy there though!:wub2:


    I was just the same...I didn't spot Andy immediately.

    I guess we were too used on not seeing him.

    Great to see he's back though!

    And I'm also looking forwards to the vlogs


    And thanx for your lovely report, Huikings!

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