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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. Ah, so here it is - the long expected Jimmy thread! :mf_rosetinted:




    I really enjoy his tweets. He and Imma really managed to fill the gap (with no Mika tweets)!


    Here's some of my pix:


    Jimmy in the foyer after the Baden-Baden gig



    another one (it's blurry, but quite nice still...)



    And last but not least - Jimmy and moi :wink2:


  2. Unter den Linden, Friedrichstrasse, Leipzigerstrasse, Wilhemstrasse, just big streets, those were my choices...just around Friedrichstrasse so then I can take the express to the airport :thumb_yello:


    Anyway maybe I only go to the airport so I'm sure I don't get late :teehee: if I don't find another person with same plan than me (everybody is so quiet here :teehee: )


    Can you tell me if you don't mind (my German isn't very good) which is the last service in the night of the Schoenefeld Express and prices? I haven't reserved because I think (am I right?) I don't need to do it in advance.

    Maybe I can check it myself and learn a little bit more German which always comes in handy :thumb_yello: (I had it 2 years at Uni and enjoyed it a lot).

    Edit: found this but no schedules and no prices :(http://tinyurl.com/37af3c

    Edit2: found this, I'm afraid I'm not in time for the last one in the night, I'll have to wait until the morning unless it isn't accurate:





    Here it says that the Schönefeld airport express runs every day between 4:30 and 23:00. http://www.bahn.de/regional/view/regionen/berlin_brbg/info/airportexpress.shtml

    So, no trains between 23:00 and 4:30.

    What time's your flight in the morning?


    I don't know yet waht I will be doing the night after the gig. I think more people will comment on that at a later point (this gig is still so far away :wink2:).


    Looking forwards to meet you there!

  3. Just dropping by to say a few words (before getting some sleep)...


    Best decision ever I went to this very amazing and intimate gig! :wub2:

    Loved every second of it. "Lady Jane2 was just perfect! So was "Happy ending" with Ida! Still on a height (after more then 39 hours without sleep)...I never manage to sleep after a great gig. Too much adrenaline :aah:

    The atmosphere and energy in the club was probably one of the best I've experienced at a Mika gig so far. People were dancing, singing along, jumping, cheering for Mika & his band etc. non-stop :wub2:

    And they thoroughly seemed to be enjoying it...


    THANK YOU, lillibet for making this possible!


    Btw, so lovely to seeing everyone again and meeting other Mika fans as well! :groupwave: That's one of the reasons why I love queuing! :teehee:


    yes, it will be broadcasted on Orange Live Music :wink2:

    but we don't know when.


    Tiibet asked the camera guy yesterday, too about it and he said that it will surely be on Orange Live music plus possibly on France4 as well.

    I think (if I'm not mixing up things) he said that it shouldn't take more than a few days unti it is available (?).


    I'll leave you with this for today. http://twitpic.com/p4saf


    Full report to follow tomorrow night...

  4. aaah, don't tempt me like that! :aah::sneaky2: it's too short notice for me, flight-/train tickets are too expensive now. although i need a lot of willpower not to do it anyway! NO! *slaps herself* :naughty:


    leator and mariposa from the german forum (they're also on here) will come. mariposa already PMed lillibet about it, i'll write you a PM for leator in a sec. :wink2:


    yes, looks like I'll be there...:aah:

    couldn't resist the temptation :teehee:

  5. Ok, tried to do a complete translation of the interview.



    EDIT: just seen the 2 comments above me. Thank you, girls.

    I know I probably haven't translated it as if a native speaker would have. But I guess it's still understandable.


    I’ll be using “I” for the interviewer and “M” for Mika


    G: We’ve got questions from the internet users, many questions.


    M: Ok.


    G: We start with (name ?), 23 years old living in Britanny. “I wanted to know if Mika’s sprain is better and if it doesn’t bug him too much on stage.” (The French word used is “entorse”)


    M: Yeah. (laughs)


    G: She noticed it.


    M: Actually, I made a small deal today with France2. I told them to please not show my big foot (shows it).


    G: Well, you saw that she noticed it anyway. It actually suits you.


    M: Oui. Merci. That’s nice, but it’s not true.


    G: Does it hurt?


    M: Yes, it does. But it’s ok. I have torn my ligaments.


    G: Now that really hurts!


    M: I was during a gig in LA. It was 4 songs before the end of the gig. It happened while I was jumping – and then–well, in fact it was because I wasn’t wearing shoes. That’s what happened. I twisted my foot and I had to vomit next to the stage because it hurt so much.


    G: It hurt so much?


    M: Yeah, I couldn’t control it. But then I went back on stage and finished the gig.


    G: After that you continued singing and finished the gig?!


    M: Yes.


    G: You need to get well before the next tour starts.


    M: Oui.


    G: Now, this is Augustin, 12 years old, a young viewer. He lives in St Etienne. (He asks) Could you tell me why your song is called “We are golden?”


    M: We are golden? Ah, it means in French ahm…


    G: Nous sommes en or.


    M : On est fait de l’or.


    G : On est fait de l’or.


    M : On est fait d’or. …de l’or, yeah.


    G : On est fait d’or.


    M : Ahm, and the idea is, well it’s about my teenage years, about teenage years in general, it’s about…..when I was 17 years old no matter what was going on in my life – I really had some horrible moments at school and so on – it was music that made me feel like I was worth something. And that’s where I got this idea from. And I was thinking about what kind of graffiti I would be writing on the bathroom wall if I returned to school. What would I write? And I thought it would be: “I’m not what you think I am – I am made of gold!” And I said: Well, that’s already a great first idea for a song.


    G: For a song and for an album.


    M: And that's how it started.


    G: Aurélie, 27 years, who’s living in Orleans asks: Do you feel more inspired to write and compose (a song) when you’re sad or when you’re happy?


    M: Both. I think that what I’m doing very often is that I take very sad subjects or quite hard words/lyrics, and at times completely depressing and desperate, and even for example the words of “We are golden” are quite…


    G: ...dark


    M: Yeah, they don’t have a lot of hope. But I’m putting these with music that is full of hope and full of happiness. I really like this combination between dark and very colourful and vivid things. There’s a lot of magic between the contrasts.


    G: Merci beaucoup, Mika.


    M: Thank you.


    G: Thank you very much for being our guest in this studio on the 13:00 news. And we wish you a very good tour…


    M: Thank you.


    G: ..and much more/and all the best for everything else as well.


    M: Thank you very much.

  6. That's what I want ot know, how come some ppl have heard this, is there some secret society/club that some members are "in" and some are not? :sneaky2:


    It was posted a while ago, I think some months back when someone posted it here on the MFC, the link was then obviously removed very quickly...If I recall it correctly it was only up for a few hours.


    That's it.

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