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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. Hi all! ... Just saw the posts about the gig in Baden-Baden today. Now what I want to say is that I was part of this 'dead' audience ;-) In the beginning I thought everybody exept from me was sleeping *LOL*.

    Most of the audience didn't know the lyrics of his new songs so they sang along when he played the old ones.

    Also there were only 150 people in the studio - it was definitely pretty quiet in the beginning and there were not too many mikaddicted ones ;-). But it was definitely louder than it appeared to be on the live stream.


    For me it was the first time that I saw him live on stage and I totally fell in love :wub2: ... he and the band were brilliant and I will definitely be at least at one of his gigs in Germany next year.

    Great songs, great voice, great band an a breathtaking sexy smile just 3 or 4 meters away from me was aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeesome!


    Hey pearlsRdiamonds!


    Welcome to the MFC! I was in Baden-Baden, too...We were all dressed up in 50s style dresses, maybe you spotted us fellow (D)MFC people?! :wink2:


    I'm sorry to hear that your daughter missed out on this one. But I'm sure she'll like it just like you did once she has her first "Mika live" experience! :biggrin2:


    x mariposa

  2. Then suddenly Jimmy showed up in the foyer and we were talking, having pix and some people got things signed. He wanted to know what I was drinking and I said something like: “Oh, it’s just rosé wine.” I hope that didn’t make me sound like a lonely alcoholic ^^. I asked him what he thought about the gig and he told me that he was scared that it would be difficult since they had been playing in much bigger venues in the States but that it was a good gig all the same.


    We saw Cherisse passing by. She seemed to be in a rush. Then Yasmine showed up. And she was given the “Paintings for sorrow” book of the DMFC. She seemed to be thoroughly happy and took a lot of time to get through every single page and commented on the paintings/arts. Jimmy was still standing there also looking at the book. The arty girls then wanted a pic with Yasmine and Jimmy volunteered to take it. It turned out great as you could see on Mellody’s tweet. He then started fooling around with the camera and first took a pic of me (which tunred out horrible, please don’t realease it, Mellody *waaah*) and then of himself pulling a face ^^


    After that we were still waiting in the foyer since the M&G winners didn’t have their moment yet. At one point they were led into a different room where the M&G was happening. When they came back we asked them about how it was...They didn’t have a lot of time to talk to Mika, he signed them many things and they told us that he was very tired. Some of us were interviewed after the gig about how we liked the show etc. Apparently Mellody and Miri were on the radio this morning. :)


    We then decided to go outside and wait for Mika to leave at the vans. We didn’t have to wait for a long time...And obviously it was just us waiting : ) (see group pic Lollipop54 posted). We got the usual no pix thing and then Mika took his time to sign things and chat with everyone (although he was very tired). I really appreciated this. Oh, and judging from Jimmy’s tweet I was right that I heard Mika talking about going to Paris next...I wasn’t so sure if I had just imagined things, so I asked everyone afterwards, but no one had heard him say anything along the lines. But yeah, my mind still seemed to be working after all. :D Yasmine was waiting for him in the van. When they left we waved them goodbyes and did some more group pix before it was time to go home.


    Mellody, graciosa, arwine, Miri, Leator and me headed to a Mc Donald’s (the poor people working there – I bet they thought they were already done for the evening), but then we arrived and decided to stay for a while :) Had something to eat and got changed back to “normal”. Mellody also tweeted lots from there. Left around 12:15 and the Munich gals headed home.


    Leator then took me back to the station, but it was only 1:30 AM or something and my train was only at 4 AM, so we waited a bit in the car (Mikaparty yay!) and then decided that I could as well be waiting at Karlsruhe station. So he dropped my off there and I had to wait one more hour until I could go on my train back home. Ok, so when I arrived here I actually wanted to go back home immediately but for some strange reason the first tram was not before 5:30 AM, so I had to wait some more, but that was ok with me, after a great gig like that I can never really sleep a lot anyway. So yeah, came back home at 6 AM, flicked through my pix, checked back on what I was missing on the MFC etc. At 8:30 AM I then tried to get some sleep but was woken up at 12:00 by a phone call...But I’m not tired at all actually. :D


    Ok, this report has become quite long. Wanted to write down all the details as long as I can remember. :D Gonna upload some more pix in the evening/later (besides the ones I have already tweeted).


    -THE END-

  3. Mika entered the stage arriving from the back and walking through the audience making his way up. It was pretty cool I think. I understand that it must have felt pretty weird for him that the audience didn’t really respond to him singing/talking. Btw, Mellody, I think he says “Hautnah” after talking about the club concert he wants to have. It’s the name of the SWR3 concert series :)


    Hmmm, maybe not everyone in the audience understands English well enough to get everything he was saying ?! I don’t have a clue. I also loved the one moment when Mika suddenly says “Gute Nacht” in LT. So funny! All in all, he didn’t really talk a ot of German this time. At the Bayern3 gig he was talking so much German. Maybe that helped to get the audience more into it?!


    And I can’t say often enough how I think it is absolutely amazing how much he moves and dances on stage despite his splinted foot/leg. But even the One foot boy moves more on stage than the average other two feet singer! Really amazing! The moment where he was telling his story about how he got this injury is hilarious when Mika tells everyone to shut their eyes and jump once he has counted to 3. Pretty scary actually.


    What’s more? The trumpet solo in SITM is absolutely genius. Loving it! I think that people liked best WAG, I turned around and saw more people dancing then before. I also agree with people who have said that this song should probably be the final song of his set.


    The setlist was the same as on the US tour. Mika didn’t do Toy boy though (pity!), when Mellody asked him later why he said that he was really tired. I loved Tocuhes you though! First time I heard it live. Gotta love this song! It’s simply genius! Same with OFB and I see you. Great great great! And PUOTF of course! Such a beautiful song! I just loved hearing the new songs live :wub2:


    One annoying thing though was the camera guy who kept passing at our side of the stage. So Leator, Lilly and me had to constantly move back. But besides that we were having so much space to dance. Love this fact. I don’t really like being squashed against the barrier at a larger venue not even being able to breathe (ok, I’m exaggerating, but you get my point I guess).

    At the end a stage invasion happend. I didn’t get up though. Was wearing a dress that made it absolutely impossible for me to get on stage without making a complete fool of myself. So I decided satying where I was. At one point of Lollipop Mika was hit by a balloon and he was hit with his mic, but I don’t think it was something serious.


    And: Again I didn’t manage to take a good pic of Cherisse. Spoilt my two chances where I was really really close to the stage it seems. :aah:


    The gig went by way too fast (as always)...managed to get myself one of the setlists (I think it was Martin’s) and then we all went back to the foyer getting something to drink and take some more pix, chat etc. Got myself a lovely rosé wine :)

  4. Then suddenly we were let in and found ourselves in the fancy foyer of the venue. There we suddenly queued up to be let in the proper venue. But then this woman from SWR3 kept pushing us to have our pix taken by SWR3 since they wanted all of the winners in their gallery. Of course we didn’t want to give up our spot, but she kept insisting and so we had our pic taken with the woman keeping our spot :naughty: Voilà, here it is. http://www.swr3.de/specials/hautnah/mika/gal2.php?pic=32.jpg ;)


    There were only the 4 M&G winners in front of us. Yavanna & her bf and 2 very nice girls who were standing next to me during the gig and who were helping us making the front row jump and bounce. Forgot their names though...But one of them said she were on the MFC, but forgot her nick and was planning to sign up once more. Their M&G was taking place after the gig.


    While we were waiting there we were interviewed by SWR3 asking us to introduce us and asking us about why we were Mika fans. And if we could sing as high as Mika lol. We then had to sing LT and GK which was a lot of fun. After that all of the people waiting in the foyer were clapping. :aah:


    Ok, so we got in and were all ending up front row. (by we all I mean: kanni, graciosa, Mellody, Lilly, leator, Yavanna and moi). At this point we didn’t know yet if the others this waiting outside would make it to the gig or not...As we learnt then they all made it due to a nice SWR3 lady (who gave wristbands to Miri and Arwine) and to some nice ARTE people who helped the Frenchies. TBH I was really relieved when I found out about this because waiting outside while everyone (ok, not everyone I reckon...but I mean other fans) is having a great time inside is just not exactly what motivates you, ain’t it. So, yeah, we were all in :D This time not even with John’s help (as in Munich for the Bayern3 gig).


    So there we were, patiently waiting for the gig to begin. Then Stefanie Tücking, one of the radio presenters of SWR3 and the host of the day, came on stage. http://www.tuecking.com/ She explained to us how this gig is gonna happen and about Mika’s foot injury etc. So in fact we were allowed to film and take pix, just without flashes (contrary to what we were told before). Good news. Except that I can never really take vids at a Mika gig, can’t just help but dancing, so well, only took pix this time. She then told us when the gig will be shown on tele (ARTE, 23 January 2010, 22:25 and SWR sometime in February 2010). The ARTE thing will be a full programme with Mika being interviewed backstage etc. Will be fun I guess. Then the intro bit for the ARTE programme was filmed. We (all of us gals with the sequins in our faces) had to come to the back and stand right behind Ms. Tücking while she introduced the SWR3 Hautnah gig. (There again, we first didn’t want to give up our spots, but she then said that all the other people had to make sure that we would be getting them back after the filming. Lol. Half of the people probably thought we were crazy or something.) So we will be on TV soon – ha!


    Ok, so all in all there were only about 200 people at this gig, all of the winners from the radio station. So, I didn’t really expect that there would be lots of Mika fans in the audience. Most people probably just liked one or two Mika songs and since it was free they decided to take part in the competition. As you could all see in the live streaming most of the people weren’t so much into the gig, most of them were just watching the gig without interacting a lot. Compared to yesterday, the atmosphere was even better in Munich at the Bayern3 gig in September. The venue in Munich was much smaller and the stage was not even half as tall. It was more intense I’d say. But no complaining. Not our fault the peeps at the back didn’t dance and sing along. We tried our best to create some atmosphere and were all having a good time anyway. After all the stage was very close.


    And the band seemed to be having a great time. During BIOTG where Mika devided the audience, Jimmy and Erika where just next to me and screaming the lungs out to make our group be louder than the other one. Lurved it!

  5. Ok, I will start from the very beginning ;)


    Actually I was really lucky that I could make it to that gig at all. Had to sit a law exam in the afternoon and I couldn’t leave for the gig before 5 pm. So it was my good that the gig was taking place in Baden-Baden which is only about 45 minutes by train from where I live.


    I mean, I had won tickets and all (btw, this was the pic leator and me sent in along with the answer SWR3 asked which was “What’s Mika’s vocal range?” http://img269.yfrog.com/i/ip1t.jpg/ We sent them a very detailed and long answer provided with many links :D), but with such thing as exams you can’t just skip uni like that. So, yeah, I rushed to the station after I had handed in my copy and took the train to Baden-Baden. It was really funny to get changed in the rest room on the train into my 50s style gear. The porter didn’t recognise me after I had changed and asked me for my train ticket one more time ^^ We had agreed before that we all would be wearing some 50s inspired clothes, if possible b&w. IMO we matched pretty well with the band last night :)


    So yeah, I was then picked up by Miri, a member of the DMFC at the station and we drove up to the SWR3 studios. We arrived there shorty after 6pm. Admission was supposed to happen at 7pm, but when we arrived it was only our fellow (D)MFClers who were already waiting in the cold, that is Mellody, Graciosa, Arwine, Lilly, Kanni, Leator, Yavanna, the Frenchies (Fanny, lollipop54, Melissa (?)). So we joined them and learnt that John wasn’t there apparently and that they didn’t have a chance to talk to the Mastah when he arrived because ARTE was filming his arrival and wouldn’t let people approach; “normal” people started to turn up quite late. Kanni (bless her creative vein!) gave me this lovely barrette hat thingie (what’s it called anyway?) and put these lovely black sequins on our faces.


    As Mellody already told you she and Lilly then asked every single person or group of people that arrived if they happened to have some spare tickets (well, not exactly spare tickets, but available places on the guest list...since the radio winners were always given 4 tickets). Finally, just before doors opened Mellody was successful and so she and Lilly were able to get in. (Since they were the first people on the list). Lilly was so happy. Loved to see her so happy and overwhelmed with being able to attend this gig.

  6. Ok, I'm repeating myself in this thread...Writing my now... will be posting it here once it's done :wink2:


    In the meantime, voilà the links to the pix I already posted on twitter.


    Mika & band at the @swr3 @mikasounds gig last night (02-22-2009) in Baden-Baden http://twitgoo.com/4nz9f

    8 hours ago from twitgoo


    @mikasounds at the gig last night http://twitgoo.com/4nzaa

    8 hours ago from twitgoo


    me with @jimmyplaysbass and @Kanfousheh :)http://twitgoo.com/4nzbq

    8 hours ago from twitgoo


    @mellody76, @Janyyy, @Kanfousheh and Yasmine with the "Paintings for sorrow" book of the German MFC http://twitgoo.com/4okzb

    1 hour ago from twitgoo


    Yasmine after the @mikasounds gig last night :)http://twitgoo.com/4okzd

    1 hour ago from twitgoo

  7. I think I saw her too, but I can't be sure. I can recognize familiar faces but don't know all names... :blush-anim-cl:


    I wasn't on stage....My dress kinda didn't let me.

    Or, in other words, I wanted to avoid becoming famous for the "wrong" reason :naughty:


    Ok, I'm at my report now...dunno yet if I will be posting it here on in the other thread...


    In the meantime, voilà the links to the pix I already posted on twitter.


    Mika & band at the @swr3 @mikasounds gig last night (02-22-2009) in Baden-Baden http://twitgoo.com/4nz9f

    8 hours ago from twitgoo


    @mikasounds at the gig last night http://twitgoo.com/4nzaa

    8 hours ago from twitgoo


    me with @jimmyplaysbass and @Kanfousheh :)http://twitgoo.com/4nzbq

    8 hours ago from twitgoo


    @mellody76, @Janyyy, @Kanfousheh and Yasmine with the "Paintings for sorrow" book of the German MFC http://twitgoo.com/4okzb

    1 hour ago from twitgoo


    Yasmine after the @mikasounds gig last night :)http://twitgoo.com/4okzd

    1 hour ago from twitgoo

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