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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. the show will be broadcasted live on http://liveweb.arte.tv/fr/video/Mika_en_direct_de_Baden-Baden/


    I'll try to record it and share with the MFC ;)


    True, I completely forgot about the arte streaming :doh:

    That would a a better choice then....obviously.


    don't worry, I've already record arte live web for different show ;)


    Thanks for volunteering! :clap:


    I'm really excited about tomorrow, but I have to get through my law exam first....then it's time to think about the gig properly :wink2:

  2. Welcome to the MFC!


    There already is a PW thread on here, your review on the album would have fit in there perfectly.

    There's a lot of room to discuss Patrick's music and get in touch with other double Mika-Patrick fans (I suppose you are also a Mika fan considering this is a Mika board, right? :aah:)

    http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6930&highlight=patrick+wolf :wink2:


    Personally, I really like "The bachelor", maybe even a bit more than his older work. I can't give you specific reasons for that, but it's the one I listen to most often...I think it is because it fits musically more into the category I usually listen to.

  3. Morgähn!

    Wie lang dauerts eigentlich bis vorbestellte Tickets von Sandbag ankommen?


    Das ist 'ne gute Frage :wink2:

    Ich hoffe einfach nur mal, dass der Ticketversand dieses Mal ohne größere Probleme über die Bühne gehen wird!


    Hab übrigens seit heute morgen Internet - endlich!!! :groupwave:

    Was gibts Neues bei euch?

  4. why it's not on a week?btw:gig,free,only 2/3hours for me to go there....why not!!!


    (je me souviens même qu'habitant près d'haguenau 2/3ans,j'étais encore +près,arghh)

    marion,peux-tu me donner es modalités pour gagner lorsque tu auras les infos stp?merci ;)


    and thanks you to share it here!


    oui, bien sûr! dès que j'aurai des informations plus cponcrètes je vous informerai.

  5. Ich habe eine frage. Man, my german is bad. I'll do it in English :teehee:

    Does anyone know where I can buy tickets for the show in Dusseldorf? It's sold out at Mikasounds. But what is the official ticketsite in Germany? Where you just pay the normal price? :shocked: Because I just found tickets from 80 euro and stuff, and I know it's way cheaper!


    I hope someone can help me! :)


    You can get tickets here



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