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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. looking forward to ALL the gigs, lol! :naughty:


    sure :naughty:


    But in Munich most of the German Mika fanclub members will be present...and Anna is going, too. We haven't met in ages. (2 years???) So, yeah, I guess Munich will be one of the gigs I'm looking forwards to the most (people-wise)...besides Amsterdam of course :wink2:

  2. we know.. it`s better doing tours in Europe and the US than South America or Asia..

    but i imagine this would happen... after the new album released he wouldn`t come inmediately to this region... august 2010 perhaps..

    but i think that Mika and his team should consider doing a mini tour in SA and asia... lots of artists did that... play in some countries one gig and that`s it... but he won`t do it :(


    Having my fingers crossed for Mika to do some shows both in South America and Asia! I'm sure he would sell out his shows, after all he has many fans in these parts of the world as well. I mean, Europe and the US are certainly bigger music markets, but he will eventually come to Argentina/Mexico... and Asia as well. Probably in the summer I suppose.

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