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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. just saw that there's a videoclip on the german mikasounds website, it's mainly advertising for his new album with old concert+video footage, but in the middle there's an interview with him - not sure whether i've seen it before, looks slightly familiar, but some parts seemed new to me. though no new info really. :wink2: anyway, if you want to watch it, it's here: http://www.uk-sounds.de/mika/news/ (scroll down a bit, on the right)


    I guess this week is also on the German amzon page as an advert for TBWKTM.

  2. I have a request: Could anybody try to get me this issue of "Heat magazine"? I would pay for the mag and posting etc of course...


    Just feel like I would love to have a copy myself :wink2:


    So, if anybody has a spare copy or is willing to get me one, plz pm me.


    love love, mariposa x

  3. Fabulous review! I was just about to quote these same sentences which I absolutely loved reading and which say it all!


    Thank you for posting vanessa!

    I really like this review.

    These four quotes from Christian John Wikane are interesting & spot on:


    "By track 13, I want to congratulate Mika on exceeding the pop-tastic qualities of his debut."


    "He’s created the consummate pop album for 2009, seemingly on his own terms and devoid of tired formulas."


  4. Just found this review. It's rather positive (all in all).








    The Boy Who Knew Too Much


    The boy who knew too much? Well, at least he knows one thing: how to produce a good pop album. Mika handels the difficult callenge of having a second album by releasing "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" which is a well-chosen follow-up to "Life In Cartoon Motion". Thematically the journey takes us back: The London boy obviously felt an urgent need to come to terms with his youth as a shy immigrant child and a victims of bullying.


    But Mika would not be Mika if his songs were only inspired by pure heartache – instead he sprinkles a healthy amount of glitter over them. Thus, the tracks are accompanied by dance beats and by a background chorus which makes them again very pop. And the melancholy of his lyrics suddenly make you think of rainbows .


    From the very beginning there is the danger of tinitus, after all the 26-year-old can sing very high. "We Are Golden" pops out colorful, loud and motivated which makes it a singalong. Even more squeaky the CD goes on with "Rain" and "Dr John". When listening to "Blue Eyes" you almost get the feeling that Mika got inspired by Latin music. But despite all expectations this track turns out to be a typical pop song.


    Mika's classical voice training was already reflected in his mature vocal virtuosity on the debut album. With "Toy Boy" he takes it to an even higher level – being accompanied by flutes, piano and clarinets the song could have been written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. One could criticise however his lack of development. But with nearly six million copies sold of its predecessor album there is certainly reason enough to remain faithful to his own style. Mika knows where he is: "I am a pop musician - no an indie artist."

  5. Oh, gotta love this thread! The good old Oktoberfest! :thumb_yello:

    Thinking about finally going this year...but I actually don't own a Dirndl (typical Bavarian dress) :blink: Hmm, will try to sort sth out.


    here it is on youtube, the silliest songs with the silliest dance routines are always the funniest! :lmao:


    cowboy & indianer







    lol, tbh I really love doing routines to these songs :teehee:

    I mean, c'mon these are they type of songs that are played on a typical German "Dorfest/Schützenfest" etc. (and of course in the carnival season).


    Btw, just watched a report on tele about a woman trying to get in on of the beer tents no matter what...And all of her attempts turned out successful. I didn't know that so many guards were so currupt there. Oh and reservations for a table in one of the tents were sold for several thousand euros on ebay :shocked:


    But I guess that there is a special thing about the Oktoberfest. While I was in Ireland all of my American/Japanese friends in Ireland went there. 'Cause if they were already in Europe they wanted to go there so bad. And no one regretted it :thumb_yello:

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