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Posts posted by mariposa




    It looks lovely :aah:



    Wow! Loving the venue! Looking forwards to seeing footage of this gig! :wub2:



    Have you seen this Rose? This is what happened the last time he had a secret gig. Except he was in a country where he can't even get radio play, on the other side of the continent (at least) from most of his fans, without all the details being made public until the day of and at a time when he was not launching his new album and had been in hiding for almost a year rather than giving non-stop promo for weeks.




    That's true, Christine. I was very surprised when I first watched the vlog.

    But I guess that loads of people also found out about this gig through Perez. :wink2:




    And I'll kepp my fingers crossed for all of you trying to get tickets! Good luck! :thumb_yello:

  2. hey, the singing audience sounds like a team full of drunken sailors :naughty:

    lol, thanks for the flowers! :teehee:


    Best version of Stuck In The Middle I've ever heard :naughty::wub2:


    I love that song live, too! Was one of the best songs he did on Sunday IMO.


    i didn't even notice during the gig that he sang a wrong text there during lollipop! :lmfao:


    me neither. I guess that was becaus e we were singing along so loud (the correct lyrics of course...hehe) :aah:


    here is the audio of the gig :)http://www.sendspace.com/file/b3pjsv


    and here's the interview part: http://www.sendspace.com/file/go944i :wink2:

    Thank you Mari and Karin! :wub2:

  3. Wow! T4p!


    Love it!


    Thank you, Mellody that you're gonna work on this online translation. I would have volunteered as well, but I don't have time for that at the moment, sorry.


    Am happy to read that so far all of the 4 comments under the article are all very positive (and they were not not from Mika fans apparently :thumb_yello:)

  4. Here is my Happy Ending video. Sry for shivering.... But who could do this without shivering?




    Amazing vid, Leator!

    Still can't believe how close we were. :shocked: But this vid proves it!



    PS: Does anybody record the interview and the gig tonight? Seems like I won't be at home tonight...so I would be grateful if someone recorded it ;)

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