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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. Oooh, how I love those pictures... :wub2:


    Want to do that night over... and again... and again... and again...:














    (mariposa, why did you "zoom in" on my boobs btw??? :roftl: they look huge..)


    Me, too. Wanna go back and live that night all over again! :wub2:


    *oops* I didn't do that intentionally... :aah:


    Thats a great picture of John .. is it just me or is he looking MEGA hot :biggrin2::shocked:




    i'm just thinking that we should start some sort of project for john. iirc he was quite happy that he got the flowers from someone in the club, wasn't he? mika gets so much stuff and john just always has to carry it around for mika! :rolls_eyes:


    That's a great idea! He has done so much for us, on so many occasions.


    He got that tan in his garden, he said at Blackpool.

    Wow! Really? I wish I would get a tan like that in my garden :teehee:


    Ha! Wow, that venue was really tiny. Intimidatingly small. :wub2:

    Guess I wouldn't have gone for front row there

    Thanks for reports and footage I think I will stop mourning at this point and follow Mellody's youtube trail... and then cry a little more...



    Oh, Violet :huglove:

  2. group pictures of the forum members! :biggrin2:






    well ok not all are on the forum, and the guy in the 3rd pic on the right just sneaked into the pic, no idea who he is! :lmao: but apart from that, left to right:


    irene, leator, lolligirl, mariposa, noa, tiva; graciosa, kanni and antoine on the outer right. front: sasje & mellody, and on the 3rd pic also lolligirl's friend.


    Thanks for posting the group pix, Mellody! lol, that guy in the third pic was hilarious. Antoine asked him if he's on the forum as well, but he said no and only wanted to be on the pic :roftl:



    talk about taking his jacket/shirt off:

    - like i already mentioned. he talked about taking his jacket off, but then didn't cause his shirt was so sweaty - then someone said he should take his shirt off too, and what follows is the discussion on the video, someone shouting "we've already seen you naked!" and mika's reaction to that. :naughty:


    edit: just remembered that when he was told to take his shirt off, he answered "YOU take your shirt off!" :lmao: unfortunately don't have that on video, but was hilarious!


    priceless...luckily there are vids to witness it all :mf_rosetinted:

    Uploading my pic right now, but since I have to leave in a few minutes I will only post them later this afternoon.


    Ahh, and in two days time the gig will be aired on the radio. Can't wait.

  3. I left home at around 11 AM, but arrived in Munich only at 4 PM due to some delays in my bus-train connection. But I finally made it. Of course I didn’t find the venue at first and had to call Mellody, hehe, that is just so typically me. So when I arrived at the venue Mellody, Sasja and Leator we already waiting, no one else. We were soon after that joined by all other German Mikafanclub ppl. I really loved meeting everyone and we were having a great time. Ok, we looked like a group of freaks and all these business ppl walking by gave us a funny look lol, but we were enjoying ourselves. So, when I arrived I leant that the band had already arrived and that they had already done the soundcheck as well as that the sound was also pretty cool outside (which was at that point important to us since only 3 fanclub people had one tickets and 8 ppl including me were planning to listen to the gig from outside). I’m never lucky winning at a competition though…but for me it was all about being with other Mika fans and just being there, fell the vibe. So in the queue we were getting pretty and pretty golden I must say. Suddenly John appeared and Mellody told him about Mika’s tweet from the day before (that he would try to sort out the lack in tickets). She also handed him a list with our names and he promised to look after it. At that point I was still sure that the radio station Bayern3 would not agree to adding people to the winner’s list. Several ppl had tried to talk to them the days before about giving sth like 10 tickets to the fanclub, but they wouldn’t agree. So I was sure that they wouldn’t like changes. Slowly more and more people arrived and we were still waiting for Mika. In the end we didn’t see him arrive but could already here him rehearse, so we missed that. Then Mellody who was waiting a bit further down for Mika to arrive told us that John had told her that it was all ok and that we 8 ppl were on that list. That was a drop-dead moment, really. I just couldn’t believe it. Thanx again, Karin for sorting things out!!!!!


    Doors opened at 7:15 PM and all of us ended up front row which was amazing. I was on the right side of the stage (it wasn’t even a proper, high stage, just a small step). So we and Mika & the band were almost standing on the same level which was amazing! The ceiling was also pretty narrow and as Mellody said before he couldn’t have done the Freddie pose. But besides the stage being so small Mika still found his place to move and jump. And of course we joined him immediately. (Ok, I have to admit, my shoe choice was probably not the best, after the gig my feet were killing me, but I just had to jump – no matter what shoes I was wearing). Mika and the band were so close to us. Probably the best Mika gig I've ever been to. This one's gonna be hard to beat. We were all golden – with the balloons, glitter, accesoires etc. At one point while queuing Sasje said we are the „Golden girls“ :D, but then we laughed ‚cause we realised that’s not what we were.

    And: I can't repeat often enough that the fact that we (8 ppl who didn't win tickets but decided to get there anyway and listen to the concert from outside) was due to Mika and John being so lovely and putting us on the list. Amazeballs! Mika is amazing. John is amazing. The gig was incredible.


    The atmosphere was so special. Even though there were not that many hardcore Mika fans people were all enjoying themselves and Mika turned the whole place into one big party. I just couldn't believe how lucky I was to be there. That is why I was trying to really enjoy every second of it and didn’t take many pix nor vids. Mika seemed to be having a good time as well, he was joking a lot on stage and even managed to jump around on this tiny stage (and so did we). I imagine this gig was really close to a living room gig. I suppose that there were only about 250 ppl so it was really really small. I will never be any closer to stage than this I guess. I also pretty much loved that no one tried to take advantage of this situation, I mean of being so close and all. Saranyde was just in front of me (loved her dress!).

    He sang (not in order): Relax, Big girl, Lollipop, Stuck in the middle, Billy Brown, Happy ending, Grace Kelly, Lollipop, Love today, We are golden, Blame it on the girls, Rain, Dr. John, Blue eyes


    Oh, and "Dr. John" live was so good, so was „Blue eyes“ and „Happy ending“ was perfect again. I always love it when he does SITM and the atmosphere was best during WAG I’d say. Maybe that is because it is the current single and everybody could sing along. During „We are golden“ he took our „We are golden“ balloons and waved them around before throwing them on Saranyde. In the end he put them on this microphone stand. We also had some more balloons during WAG which we throw into the audience. We had already done this before Mika was coming on stage but people didn’t really wanna take party in this balloon game, for them to get into it Mika had to come on stage. Also, whenever the music would stop for a few seconds before Mika was coming on stage we started cheering “Mika, Mika, Mika...”, but no one joined. But as I said, the atmosphere was changing at the first note of “Relax”. He is such a great entertainer. The interaction with the audience is such an important thing for an artist! And Mika plays this “game” so well. He said that he loved doing such small club shows and that it was more like a party than a concert. And that is really how it felt. We were jumping, singing and screaming so much. So obviously the 1 hrs 20 min or sth went by so fast.


    I really liked Mika’s jacket (though he didn’t want to take it off. This situation was so funny. Mellody has already mentioned the discussion between fans and him on whether he should take it off or not). He still wore the same jacket afterwards at the m&g, but a different shirt. ;) Martin’s red hat looked cool as well. I also loved watching all of the interactions between the band from so close. And he speaks German so well. He must definitely have worked on that, because this time it was all sontanuously and really really good. Honestly. Can’t wait to listen to the airing of the concert on Thursday. Hope it will be a complete gig with all of the things he said etc. The one-hour interview before this airing of the gig will also be very interesting I guess. The host said it was gonna be one hour, dunno if it’s one full Mika-hour or if they will just play several interview snippets in one hour time. We’ll see.


    I am so happy I went. I know there will never be such an amazing gig for me. So I will try to always remember it and be grateful. I am really thankful to the people who have made this possible. But I would also like to add that from my point of view it did the gig good to have about 15 people from the fanclubs at the gig since otherwise not many people would have sung along to all of the songs and it would have been harder for Mika to get them into it. I hope you know what I mean. In any case, everyone, the whole audience, seemed to have liked it a lot.


    After the gig ended some ppl were interviewed for Bayern3 (e. g. Mellody), guess this will be aired on Thursday as well. So afterwards we all went outside waiting for Mika, and it were only 25-30 poeple waiting, so not such a big number as on my last gig in Paris for example. We were the last in line. First the band came but went to their car pretty fast. Only shortly after Mika appeared and was all talkative and smiling all the time. So great. I finally had my “Songs for sorrow EP” signed and while Mika was doing this I thanked him for putting us on the list...But he just pointed towards John who was standing next to him, so I thanked John, who was again pointing at Mika. Lol. I thought this shows pretty much how so-much-on-earth they both are and how lovely. *awww* Still now, the next day I am still pretty much overwhelmed. And I guess all of us 8 lucky ppl would agree with me.

    Then it was time for the German fanclub to hand Mika their gift which he absolutely adored. I wasn’t involved in the project myself but I was just so happy to see that Mika liked it a lot and even wanted a second copy of it for his sister who would otherwise be jealous. So heartwarming.


    Mika than left and we walked to the Hard Rock Café to have sth to eat and drink and talk about the amazing gig we had just lived. On the way there some took pix with John who was really lovely (again) and said sth like: “Without you it wouldn’t have been so much fun.” I officially love him. Honestly.


    It was lovely to sit all together after this gig, we stayed ‘til 1AM ish, said our goodbyes to Noa, Mellody, Sasje and leator, while Kanni, her bf Antoine (the guy who was dressed as the girl from the Sophie Blackhall project at the Berlin gig), graciosa and me walked to the station, spending some time at Mc Donalds having a coffee, before Kanni, Antoine and me had to catch our train at 3:20 ish. We happened to be in the same train by chance, so I sort of prevented them from sleeping until I had to get off to change trains. Lol. But it was fun not having to travel back home on my own.


    Gonna post some pix tonight, as I have already said I don’t have many.

    Ok, so I hope my story makes sense. I will get some sleep now. Really knackered atm, been awake for more than 30 hours now. :wink2:

  4. Mika is done:

    Rakpenguin63@Mikasounds Great shpw, wished you'd done I See You, guess we'll have to wait til Feb though.


    Cassiopee24@Rakpenguin63 already done? any makeup today?


    Rakpenguin63@Cassiopee24 Yes, pretty much half his face in red and dark blue glittery make up, not sure I got a good pic of it though.


    Rakpenguin63@Cassiopee24 He came on in a full astronaut outfit.


    Oh wow...would love to see a pic of that! (of the astronaut outfit I mean) :wink2:

  5. sag ihm das ruhig morgen mal bei gelegenheit :cheerful_h4h: schneggi würds sicher auch freuen, wenn er hier oben mal vorbeischaut. :biggrin2:


    btw, ich find deinen nickname total süß! :huglove:


    Merci :lg:

    Mein Nick verbindet meinen wirklichen Namen (alle nennen mich Mari) und mein Lieblingswort im Spanischen (mariposa = Schmetterling) :wink2:


    Wenn ich ihn sehen sollte, werd ich es ihm ausrichten.

  6. Hmm, um genau zu sein ca. 190 € (hin + zurück). :boxed:

    Ogottogott, wenn ich anfang nochmal drüber nachzudenken, werd ich ganz wuschig. :blush-anim-cl::roftl: Ah nee, ich hab mich jetzt entschieden, hier zu bleiben und wollt dann dieses WE endlich mein Video für den Wettbewerb fertig machen. Nächstes WE hab ich dafür auch keine Zeit.


    Ich hoff, Mika kommt dann nächstes Jahr für ein Konzi nach HH. :groovy:


    Au ja! Hamburg ist sowieso eine tolle Stadt - Die kann Mika doch unmöglich bei seiner nächsten Tour auslassen!

  7. Nein, leider nicht. :crybaby:

    Gestern abend war ich voll auf dem Trip, noch kurzfristig ein Hostel rauszusuchen und ein Zugticket zu buchen. Bin dann aber davon ab, denn aus Hamburg isses auch ein arg weiter Weg. Und da war ja auch noch nicht mal im Ansatz abzusehen, dass es evtl. eine Möglichkeit gibt, doch reinzukommen. :aah:


    Ich warte auf schöne Bilder und Videos von Euch. :mf_rosetinted:


    Und es gibt keine Möglichkeit doch noch mal evtl. darüber nachzudenken?? Aber ein Zug von HH aus nach MUC ist natürlich schon recht teuer...:boxed:

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