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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. Adam had a twitter party and I got a response!


    adamlambertRT @katydid1994: @adamlambert what do you think of Mika's new single, we are golden? It's really different- I like!! The video is infectious


    Ah, now that's cool! :thumb_yello:

  2. @mariposa:

    someone asked bayern3 about it, and they answered that it's only for ppl from bavaria. but you could also win tickets on radio n-joy in hamburg, so... whatever. we have no idea whether they check whether you filled in the "regierungsbezirk", but you can always enter a wrong bavarian address, what's important is the phone number, and if it's a german mobile number, they won't know where you are. :wink2: for the id check at the entrance i also don't think they'll check the address on your id, and if they do, you can still say you're studying in munich or something.

    don't you live in ulm or somewhere around there? half of ulm lies in bavaria anyway iirc... :naughty:



    Thank you, Mellody.

    Tried it again. :aah:


    Oooookay, i have to say something! I am this crazy woman. Yes I won this tickets and I ´m not so happy at first. I like Mika, really, but at the moment my heart beats for another band! But I will go to the concert and I hope I enjoy it. I get the tickets immediately befor the concert begins and if I show my identity card! So nobody can get my tickets! Okay!?

    And now please cancel the link to my blog, because it´s for my friends!

    I don´t know why it was found by google searching!

    I will never write any things about Mika on my blog.

    Have a nice day.


    That´s all folks, period!




    Glad you came in here to explain things.

    I don't know either why your blog was featured on Google alerts. But since it did of course many people read it and reflected upon it which is a rather normal thing to do I would say.

    Please don't get me wrong. Of course you are more than entitled to attend this gig (since you were the one to win) and I'm sure you'll be having a great time. But simply from reading your blog about you winning these tickets one could get a wrong impression (and it wasn't even your wish for it to be a public blog). So in the name of us all I apologise for having caused you troubles (since I was the first to mention your blog). Sorry! That was NOT our intention.

    And please don't blame this on Mika or say that you will never ever talk about him in a blog again. But if you don't want things to be read by everyone make it private :wink2: - as you did now. That's perfectly fine.

  3. Mellody...I have a question...maybe you (or someone else who knows about it) knows the answer. I already took part in the competition a few days ago, but I am now wondering if yu can only take part if you have given an adress in Bavaria (since you had to chose your circonscription in the form). I tickled nothing....Well, my adress is not in Bavaria, but in BW, so I would like to know if only Bavrian adresses are considered. If so I have to give it another try.


    Btw: CONGRATS for winning, Mellody! :groupwave:

    I already read a blog today where a woman said that she won tickets (and that she doesn't really want to go :shocked:). I was shocked of course. C'mon. How come you don't wanna go to a Mika's gig, and especially such an intimate gig??? But yeah, that's how I learnt that tickets were already given away.


    I still got hope though - for all of us participating. I mean it's only the 2nd of September today...:wink2:

  4. Patrick says:


    The audience comes first. I am just a vessel for you.The promoters badly organised a festival. I made a very public complaint. No regrets

    about 4 hours ago from web


    No one was hurt onstage. drama and music go hand in hand. media world stop freaking out. Watch jubilee by derek jarman or listen to ATR. xpw

    about 4 hours ago from web

  5. :fangurl: :fangurl:


    He still loves us :fangurl:



    Wow.. laughing so hard at that footage heart attack hilton just posted. That bitter queen should have seen me in my maison crimineaux days!

    about 1 hour ago from web




    Thanks to the cologne audience this week! You were amazing! your city is beautiful! this co pop festival does you no justice! Boycott it. xp

    about 1 hour ago from web


    Just seen these tweets! Lovely! :wub2:


    As for Perez, everyone is entitled to have their own opinion on him and on the things he does and says. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. And this time I obviously don't. I mean, he hasn't attended this gig, and as you said, Patrick never threw anything at the violin player.

    And honestly on Thusday when the whole thing happend I would never have guessed that people would be making such a big deal out of it!


    Btw, I also got a response from the c/o pop, same you got. They so got the times wrong. Sorry. He stopped playing at 9:50 PM, not 9:55 PM. Which means that he would have had plenty of time to do his last song. :wink2:




    AMAZING review, Petra! Feels like reliving the gig!


    I compeltely agree with what you're saying about Mika. He could NEVER go into the audience just like that (when I think of pix of people grabbing him when he's only leaning on the barrier that separates the audience from the stage.)


    It was great to see everyone just enjoying the gig, NO pushing whatsoever, NO grabbing Patrick while he was in the audience. Lovely atmosphere. Everyone was singing along so loud to his songs. Felt just great! (I knew there must be more PW fans in Germany, though all the people I personally knew of where attending the gig with me, so I was very happy to see everyone so into it!)


    And he was rrally sweet during the whole gig, saying so many lovely things and talking about his connection to the city of Cologne (Tomlab). When he was sort of stage diving and then danicng in the crowd it was great He was very close to us. Seeing him kissing this guy on the cheek and this one girl next to me (whom he also took a pic with at that very moment) just gave me one of these *awwwwww* moments :)


    So, yeah, his gig was indeed VERY DIFFERENT from a Mika gig. I love both artists for what they do and for their musical genius though.


    Can't wait to go and see Patrick again. :teehee:

  7. I was there at around 5.40PM and the entire festival area thing was still open. I just stayed there and went to get my autograph when i saw Patrick standing in front of the stage. I later realised they had obviously closed the site after I went in and so I stood around there and saw Patrick & his band soundchecking while the others were queuing outside (which was pretty cool :pinkbow:). I never showed my ticket to anyone and I obviously had no business there between 6PM and 7PM :dunno: but nobody cared :dunno:. :pinkbow: Patrick is lovely :cheerful_h4h:





    “I didn’t wear a watch in ten years, so four minutes mean two songs for me.”




    Patrick was brilliant, whatever they say.


    Yeah, this was amazing!


    So, here are finally my pix. (in case you haven't seen them yet) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=103022&id=653747378&l=5fd965d8c5


    Here's a pretty nice review (of the Austrian radio FM4) http://fm4.orf.at/stories/1623936/ Except they say that they wouldn't have guessed Patrick has so many hits by only listening to his 4 albums. :aah:

  8. they switched off patrick's power supply at TEN TO TEN.


    it was an AMAZING SHOW though. but he had to stop too early and TOTALLY freaked out.

    The gig was indeed AMAZING! I was totally captured in the PWworlf during the time of the gig! He is just an outsatnding artist. Gonna put up some pix tomorrow.


    The way the gig ended wasn't fun though...Suddenly someone just cut the power at 10 to 10...and obviously Patrick got very angry (and so did we)- He had made it clear that he was doing two more songs, but they cut the power after the first song. So Patrick started trowing two microphoses and two micorphone holders at rhe security plus a stool. But I guess they totally deserved it. I mean,it was only 10 tlo ten.


    All in all, the gig was amazing! Patrick's the best! And he, woo seemed to be enjoying himself, he wasn't afraid to spend some time in the audience (during "Battle"). He was so close to us.


    I for sure won't be missing any furtrher PW gigs near me!

  9. It's close to the tube station "Appellhofplatz" or "Neumarkt", in the centre of Cologne :biggrin2:


    I also checked several weather sites. The prospects aren't well at all. So taking an umbrella is absolutely necessary! :teehee:

    I also need to think of charging my camera now. Hoping for a good spot...

    What time are you planning to get there?


    It's actually not free. But not exactly either. If you're buying your ticket tomorrow night it's gonna be 18 euros. http://www.c-o-pop.de/patrick-wolf.1935.html


    Can't wait!

  10. I wonder if there are gonna be any "gay or not gay?" theories going round...:teehee:


    or am I late?


    No need to put forward any theories. He's always been open about it. :wink2:



    Watch from 2:43.

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