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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. I am sorry. :( I was surprised and wasn't expecting it, at all. If Sandbag wants me to return it, I will. If not I am willing to give it to someone here.


    Don't worry, there's still hope I will get mine "soon" (-er or later) :wink2:


    Maybe I will get my copy tomorrow (:aah:), who knows?! :mf_lustslow:


    Mine is not in today's mail!


    *big hug* You are not alone...:aah:

  2. I got another copy in the mail today! I only ordered one. :boxed:


    Ahhhhhh! Why does everyone seem to be getting TWO copies - and I'm not getting mine at all :tears:


    (I'd prefer it the other way round :teehee:)....


    But I know that I'm not alone....

    So, I'll keep waiting *waves to Sandbag*


    :naughty::naughty: sorry I can't help it... they are really "professional" arnt they lol


    Sure they are :mf_rosetinted: Everything works perfectly well! :thumb_yello:

  3. This thread needs some serious bumping!:mf_rosetinted:

    It's such a shame 500 miles isn't on the album here, can't find it on itunes either.


    I agree :mf_rosetinted:

    But you got the song, right? Otherwise just PM me :wink2:

  4. Blue Eyes, thank you so much for the scans! :groupwave:


    Anybody still has a spare one for me? I'll pay the shipping fee etc. of course straight away. I usually don't feel urged to get a physical copy of a Mika article, but this one's special. So I would love to have one.

    Just PM me if you want to discard :aah: your mag. :teehee:Thank you.


    Wow probably the longest article but definitely the best! It was so thorough. Dr. John can't wait!

    I agree! Took me some time to fully read it - but it wasworth it! So "We are golden" is gonna be thefirst single...Can't wait to hear it!

  5. Wow! Now that was something then! :groupwave:

    It seems to have worked so well!


    From what I can hear of that poor quality video you played Relax really well. I wish there were a video with better quality. :wub2: Well done! :clap:


    Yes...I also hope vids with a better quality will pop out...


    and soon his whole band will be made of of MFCers who will do it for free lol now THAT would be so funny.


    lol, nice thought :teehee:

    I would be your MFC-band-groupie then :aah: (I don't play any instrument well enough :naughty:)

  6. Just a few lines before heading off to the station...


    I'm at Em's place atm writing this review while the others are sleeping ^^

    (I'll catch some sleep on the train)


    The gig was amazing! I loved every second of it! I would for sure have missed something if I hadn't decided to do at least one of his acoustic tour gigs...


    Because this is just so special...I think we are being spoiled... So few people, such nice venues, such a great set - perfect! :biggrin2:


    The "cirque d'hiver" venue is just great! I think that places like thqt help to create an atmosphere which helps to mqke the gig a good one.


    Acidentally, Bettasan was sitting almost besides me, so that I wasn't really alone during the gig (the friend I came with was sitting at the opposite site - Annete, you said you would sign up tonight for the MFC, right :wink2:)


    Mika was in great spirits, from what I saw I guess that he had a lot of fun on stage. Every time I see him perform I'm wondering how anyone can have so much energy on stage. Even when he's doing a slow song it's omnipresent...


    It was amazing to hear him performing "Toy boy" live, "Lonely

    alcoholic" was lovely, too and "blue ewes" even better than on the EP.


    A lot of people were responding very well to the sogs - dancing, clapping, a lot of applause - at times it was just great to turn around for a sec and watch people behind have a greqt time - made me feel even better...


    The supporting act (Blue Roses) were great as well...but many seats were still mpty for their performqnce qnd they perfored on a small balcony, not downstairs.[/u]


    He did twice "Grace Kelly" (english & french) and twice "Love Today" too :wink2:


    I like it when he's doing "GK" in French...the audience loved it, too.

    And I also think it was great that he came back once more to to LT!



    As for me, i'm liking the fact that his hair is not over curled... just natural and perfect :blush-anim-cl:




    The M&G afterwards was really quit (as already mentionned in this topic Mika wasn't talking to save his voice, but he signed everything and I could tell him what I wanted to :wink2:...He was smiling while doing this M&G part


    I really enjoyed meeting some of you again - and some for the first time - Mana, Chqrlotte, Betasan, Louiza, SoaringSimpson....sorry if I missed somone I met for the first time.


    Even rememberred to sign the MFC flag ;)


    @Charlotte: Thanks for your pix!! Lovely!



    Read back later (once am back in Germany)


    PS: Please ignore my typos - am in a hurry and have to deal with a French keyboard...

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