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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. Cool!! And Nicole's on board as well I see! :biggrin2: We should really do that!

    Isn't there a ryanair flight from dusseldorf to oslo? :naughty:


    I'm not sure, but I think we've got time to figure that out...


    Nicole!!! :wub2:


    Omg me too! Plus I THINK Dima Koldun will be entering next year, I think it's almost certain he is :mf_lustslow::teehee: and Alexy will be there too :teehee:


    OMG guys we should so have a Eurovision MFC meet up, would be so much fun!


    Yay, I'm totally up for it!


    Just finished watching the press conference...

    I have to admit, Alexander is very charming :teehee:

    He puts a smile on my face whenever I look at him!


    Note to myself: Preorder the album!

  2. Okay, seems like it's gonna be an mfc party in Oslo next year!:biggrin2:


    Yes!!!! I will definitely book a flight as soon as I will know when the next ESC takes places!!


    About to jump out the window with excitement here... PARTY AT MY PLACE NEXT YEAR EVERYONE??? Oslo that is


    Really? That would be awesome! :groupwave:


    Never!! No country's gotten over 300 :biggrin2:


    Yay, historical victory!!!!! :biggrin2:



    I am soooooo happy, happy, happy!


    And: Germany gave 12 points to Norway and not to Turkey - never happened before!!! *jiha*

  3. This year I won't be at a Eurovision party...but the last 3 years I either watched it with friends or went to an official Eurovision party...it was fun...

    But tonight I'm staying in :wink2:


    Hoping to celebrate next year's ESC in Olso though! :biggrin2:

  4. http://eurovision.ndr.de/service/bildervote140.html?vtsessID=a6d244e226343a8c9061c4bb2e47cfe5&view=charts&vtsessID=a6d244e226343a8c9061c4bb2e47cfe5


    poll on the German Eurovision page...about who we think who's gonna win this year...


    that's the result.


    Hadise will get 12 points from Germany for sure (can't rember Germany having NOT given 12 points to Turley actually....). But then (I'll skip 2nd place *wishful thinking*), Alexander :biggrin2:..., before Azerbaidjan, Albania and Greece...Lithuania is only ranked 23 :shocked: That needs to be different tonight!

    Looks like the German vote is mostly going to danceable tracks though instead of ballads...

  5. I've heard that too


    I've just read something else as well:



    Maybe I'm totally behind but didn't know this 'scandal' yet... Some dude is twittering everyone not to vote for Norway because of this :fisch:

    He's really either loved or hated isn't he:naughty:


    I'm really looking forward to tonight!:aah:

    Wow, I really can't believe that things like that happen in 2009...really makes me wonder what's going wrong in our wordl...


    I'll vote for Norway (being completely objective of course:teehee:)


    You can't tell me that Norwegian guy ain't gay!

    Or maybe he's just in denial.. seems to be the trend among singers these days. :teehee:


    Or he is so gay that he tipped the scale and went straight again.

    That's all possible...post gay is the new trend :aah:


    Wellwell, Oscar Loya, the German participant, is openly gay...I remember having seen a homestory of him and his bf somewhere...

    But the most interesting thing about our performance will be Dita, so noone cares about Oscar :biggrin2:

  6. Oh my God! Just had the shock of my life when I was reading that mikasounds.com-mail telling me "tour" and then "Paris sold out"!:shocked:

    I've been somewhere else with my thoughts recently but how could I only oversleep this?! But I will get in somehow, that is for sure!

    Anyway, looking forward to seeing the fan-posse again!:biggrin2:

    (and sorry Mariposa for not answering to your mail, I was a bit distracted...)



    Good to see you're back!:thumb_yello:

    I'm only going to this one so I hope to see you there :biggrin2:

    I hope you'll manage to get tix somehow! *fingers crossed*

  7. Moin!


    Endlich hab diesen thread gefunden... Wollte auch hier mal hallo sagen. Im dänischen thread war ich schon, der war nicht so schwer zu finden. (Vielleicht hab ich auch nur nicht richtig gesucht???)


    Kommt hier sonst noch wer aus dem kalten Norden?








    Herzlich willkommen im Deutsch Thread!

    Ich glaube, das liegt daran, dass der Thread hier in letzter Zeit fast tot ist...:teehee:

    Aber wir geben unser bestes ihn wieder zu beleben! :aah:


    Ich freue mich heute Abend auf den ESC! Schaut den noch jemand?

  8. Where did you watch it' date=' I want it too! [/quote']

    You can re-watch it all here http://www.eurovision.tv/esctv?program=2575 :wink2:


    Niiiceeeee! That's 3 of us already!Party!


    Yes, we're gonna have an MFC camp!


    Well the comment from Sakis about Kirkorov publicly supporting him since he came out (or sth to that extend was absolutely priceless :roftl:


    I was like: Why is nobody laughing? I was almost rolling on the floor :roftl:



    Well someone posted it on a forum, didn't check if it's true. There's a rumour that Spain gave 12 to Norway btw, I like that rumour more

    Well, that's a nice rumour indeed! :wub2:


    Tonight's the night!


    YESSSS! *can't wait*


    I can't believe how much eurovision has chanced since when I was a child/teen. It used to be the highlight of my year, we'd get together at friends' houses to watch it, and then we'd obsess over the winners for like 6 months. I still remember that Irish guy, Johny Logan, with his 'Hold me now' song which I absolutely adooooored and some Swedish trio of cute boys called The Herrey's all dressed in white pants, pastel tops and golden shoes, singing something called "Diggi loo Diggi ley" or something of the sorts.

    Goodness, I must have been 13 at the time and I had their picture on my wall for months after that!!

    Actually let me see if I can find them....brb..


    lol, I actually saw a best-of-eurovision some days ago and the guys with the golden shoes were a part of it, too! :aah:


    Well, my experience from when I was 12/13 (the first ESC I actually remeber), in 1998, was of course the big hype in Germany about the German entry; Guildo Horn. I don't really know how this hype came about, but after that everyone was obsessed with "Nussecken und Himbeereis" :biggrin2:



    I did actually rank quite well in the overall ranking :teehee:


    Gosh, and of course in 2000 when Stefan Raab, one of Germany's most popular comedians participated singing in a strange language hehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr8ERAgJQkg

  9. Yeah it's a terrible draw for you guys :emot-sad: But Sasha accepted it with pride and he was seriosuly one of the very few people at the press conference who didn't come across as a complete moron :teehee: Not that it will help with the result I guess - but you've got my vote at least :




    I agree. Only just watched the press conference since I didn't have time to follow it yesterday. And in fact the only 3 artists I liked were Alexander Rybak, Sasha Son and the girl form Estonia. Some of the othere were really trying too hard (above all Sakis...) :aah:


    wohooo Estonia FINALLY got through to the finals :yay:


    It's a great song! I think it might end top 10! (it is worth more than that - but I doubt it will be voted higher...)


    The juries will be neighbour voting even more than the public :lmfao: There's already a rumour that the Bulgarian jury gave 12 to Finland and were told off because they didn't give it to Romania


    Really? Haven't heard this rumour...I really hope that the jury voting will not mess things up. I mean, after all, it was supossed to make the whole thing fairer...

    Well, well, we'll see...



    So, well if Alexander won, I'd really fancy a trip to Oslo next year! That would be fun! :mf_rosetinted:


    And I don't know why, but the Azerbaidjan song is stuck in my head! Is this a good or a bad singn? Not sure...

  10. Well to fully appreciate Krassimir's song you have to watch this video :naughty: I can't help loving it :biggrin2:


    :roftl: this video says it all!

    I couldn't believe my ears :aah:


    haha the german entry is great, isn't it? :roftl:

    and dita will be dancing while this guy is singing

    well, perez likes the song :naughty:


    Great? I honestly think it's boring...hopefully it won't ruin Dita's reputation...

  11. Norway is gonna win :fangurl:


    I hope so!!! Gonna vote for Alexander for sure :teehee:


    I'm happy Finland made it through to the finals (the German commentator was really surprised about that :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:). "Lose control" really grew on me.


    I also pretty much liked the songs of Iceland, Andorra (they would have deserved to be voted into the finals!), and Portugal.


    I hope Turkey won't be winnig the whole competition...to me the song is just annoying! :aah:


    Still to come in the next semifinal: Ireland, Azerbaidjan, Greece, Estonia, and Norway of course...


    Well, well,so my favourites are:


    - Norway

    - Finland

    - Iceland

    (looks at the map - wow, all of them are Northern European countries - strange :wink2:)

    - Portugal

    - Ireland

    - Azerbaijan

    - Estonia

    - Greece




    I don't think any of the 4 "big" countrys will play a decisive role...In my opinion the British and the French songs are too boring, the German song is just - ahm - not good (Dita von Teese will be the only positive thing about their performance!!), and Spain - well, the song is actually catchy...


    We'll see...




  12. Hallo!


    Na, hattet ihr ein schönes Wochenende?


    Ja, mein We war eigentlich ganz schön...nur das Wetter hätte manchmal besser sein können. Ich werd immer ganz depressiv wenn es draußen den ganzen Tag bewölkt ist...aber ansonsten hab ich mich mit Freunden getroffen, gefeiert und ein bisschen was für die Uni gemacht...Und ihr?

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