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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. Huhu,

    wie gehts?


    Hallo Jana!


    Auch von mir ein HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN im Deutsch Thread!


    ich hatte immer ein bisschen angst vor diesem fanclub er ist so groß mit sovielen leuten, die mich vielleicht nicht mögen und es wird sooo viel geschrieben


    Die meisten sind wirklich ganz nett und freuen sich, neue Leute kennenzulernen...


    Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes We! :wink2:

  2. Ich geh leider zu keinen... :( Ich hab eigentlich überlegt ob ich nach Berlin fahren soll.... weil ich da ganz zufällig frei hab..... aber wär da ganz allein.... und das will ich auch nicht, also....


    kann dich nur beneiden :) Das wird bestimmt soooo toll :wub2:!


    Bist du dir sicher, dass du nicht nach Berlin gehst? Da werden sicher viele hinkommen...

  3. been to see Lily tonight!


    It really was an awesome concert...we had good spots in the second row although we only went to the venue at 7:15 pm (doors opened at 8 pm).


    I didn't expect her voice to be so good when she sings live - her songs are amazing live!

    She did all of the songs of her 2nd album (I think) plus her biggest hits and "Oh my god" (Kaiser chiefs cover), plus "Womanizer" (Britney cover).

    The people kept cheering for her and we also sung her the happy birthday song (when she said that it was hers last Saturday) :biggrin2:


    It was also great to see Martin again!

    He seems to be very comportable in the band.


    I'm happy I went! :rock:

  4. Ok, also ich habe mich bei avocas Mika's b'day Thread gemeldet um den Deutsch Thread zu erklären....


    Könnt ihr mir da helfen bzw. könnten wir das zusammen machen?

    Was macht den Deutsch Thread so besonders? Worüber sprechen wir? Wie viele Memebers? etc. etc.


    Ich zähl auf euch! :wink2:



    PS: Ich hab das mit dem Deutsch Thread vorgeschlagen, weil alle anderen Länder-Threads schon bearbeitet werden...Wir wollen doch da nicht fehlen, oder?



  5. Saw this and thought of you....:naughty:



    sorry if already posted before


    Katy posted this a while ago on her blog I think...

    But I absolutely love it - quite a "special" version! :wink2:

  6. I've read though all the posts and' date=' well, here's what I think. I like all the interpretations and I do believe all of them are right.

    It's the actual purpose of arts to make everyone find something for himself in it. ;) I think. [/quote']


    Yes! I agree! That's what's so good about "real" and genuine arts! Good songs are inspiring and have more than one meaning (as there is no such thing the THE ONLY true meaning)


    As for "gay" implications... I admit' date=' I had this feeling at first. But... Then I thought it might be that Mika is simply messing with us. I mean, just look at the videos (ok,.. not anymore) how he's emphasising on the lyrics and relishing the reaction... I think he [i']wanted[/i] everyone to get caught on this, to think "Oh my, he's gay, he's just admitted that... again!", to make that first judgement and sweep the forums and chats with a wave of discussions.

    He might be laughing somewhere right now.

    :roftl: I so can imagine that.


    This song is just amzing...It's stuck in my head since I first heard it. There's so many shades to it.

    And I also have to say that I love reading through discussions about the lyrics of a song. It is really captivating and enriching to discover what everybody else thinks it is about. :thumb_yello:

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