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Everything posted by emily19

  1. Thankyou so much this is great stuff
  2. this pic is so cute anyone have it any bigger?
  3. I live in Canada but I’m not Canadian I’m a Brit and I’m kind of depressed because I know Mika is huge over in England and I feel like I’m missing out on so much this is why I love this site you let me know all the stuff that’s goin on with Mika and that’s great but still I would love to be in England now in the middle of all this amazing Mika craziness:)
  4. I hope when i'm as old as her i'm not as bitter:)
  5. I first saw him on on the T.V being interviewed and i thought wow he's cute then i saw the grace kelly video and i was like omg i love this guy he's so different
  6. I loved the radio thing i thought Mika was laugh out loud funny and true lollipop girl was annoying but i could listing to the whole thing again and what are they talking about "a litttle bit of mika goes a long way" you can never have too much Mika it's not possible.
  7. emily19


    omg Mika how could anyone not want to go out with you? they must be mad!!
  8. lol you people are so funny!!
  9. emily19

    new fan

    Hi i'm Em, I love Mika and this site bye for now:roftl:
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